100023 - Dipartimento di Informatica, bioingegneria, robotica e ingegneria dei sistemi
A SAT-based Decision Procedure for the Boolean Combination of Difference Constraints
2005-01-01 Armando, Alessandro; Castellini, Claudio; Giunchiglia, Enrico; Maratea, Marco
An Empirical Evaluation of the Android Security Framework
2013-01-01 Armando, Alessandro; Merlo, Alessio; Verderame, Luca
Automated Security Analysis of IoT Software Updates
2019-01-01 Dejon, N.; Caputo, D.; Verderame, L.; Armando, A.; Merlo, A.
Automatic Security Analysis of SAML-Based Single Sign-On Protocols
2012-01-01 Armando, Alessandro; Carbone, Roberto; Compagna, Luca; G., Pellegrino
Communication Protocols for Mathematical Services based on KQML and OMRS
2001-01-01 Armando, Alessandro; Kohlhase, M.; Ranise, S.
Effective Security Assessment of Mobile Apps with MAVeriC: Design, Implementation, and Integration of a Unified Analysis Environment for Mobile Apps. Design, Implementation, and Integration of a Unified Analysis Environment for Mobile Apps
2017-01-01 Costa, G.; Armando, A.; Verderame, L.; Biondo, D.; Bocci, G.; Mammoliti, R.; Toma, A.
Formal Analysis of a Privacy-Preserving Billing Protocol
2013-01-01 Armando, Alessandro; Roberto, Carbone; Merlo, Alessio
Formal Modeling and Reasoning about the Android Security Framework
2013-01-01 Armando, Alessandro; Costa, Gabriele; Merlo, Alessio
Interfacing Computer Algebra and Deduction Systems via the Logic Broker Architecture
2001-01-01 Armando, Alessandro; Zini, D.
Rewrite and Decision Procedure Laboratory: Combining Rewriting, Satisfiability Checking, and Lemma Speculation
2005-01-01 Armando, Alessandro; Compagna, L.; Ranise, S.
SAT-Based Decision Procedures for Automated Reasoning: a Unifying Perspective
2005-01-01 Armando, Alessandro; Castellini, C.; Giunchiglia, Enrico; Giunchiglia, F.; Tacchella, Armando
Tavola rotonda architettura
2017-01-01 Pizzigoni, Vittorio; Armando, Alessandro; Biraghi, MARCO STEFANO; Brizzi, Marco; Marini, Sara; Mosco, VALERIO PAOLO
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems - 21st International Conference, TACAS 2015 held as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2015, Proceedings
2015-01-01 Armando, Alessandro; Bocci, Gianluca; Chiarelli, Giantonio; Costa, Gabriele; De Maglie, Gabriele; Mammoliti, Rocco; Merlo, Alessio
Trustworthy Opportunistic Access to the Internet of Services
2013-01-01 Armando, Alessandro; Aniello, Castiglione; Costa, Gabriele; Ugo, Fiore; Merlo, Alessio; Verderame, Luca; Ilsun, You