Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 23.859
Totale 23.859
Nazione #
IT - Italia 23.859
Totale 23.859
Città #
Genova 14.787
Genoa 3.284
Rapallo 3.110
Vado Ligure 2.600
Bordighera 78
Totale 23.859
Nome #
Il Calcare a Calpionelle, una tipica georisorsa ligure 540
Geologia, geomorfologia e vini nel Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre 378
L’assetto geomorfologico del PTCP della Regione Liguria: proposta di nuovi indirizzi metodologici e operativi. 327
Note Illustrative al Foglio n. 212 "Spigno Monferrato" sc. 1:50000 della Carta Geologica Regionale della Liguria 288
New Interpretation of Lemeglio Coastal Landslide (Liguria, Italy) Based on Field Survey and Integrated Monitoring Activities 249
Sezione 212060 "Monte Acuto", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 196
Sezione 212120 "Urbe", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 194
Foglio 212.1 “Tiglieto" Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:25000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 185
Foglio 212.3 "Sassello", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:25000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 164
Sezione 212100 "Sassello", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 151
The 10th November 2014 flash-flood event in Chiavari city (Eastern Liguria, Italy) 149
The Guvano complex landslide in the Cinque Terre National Park, Italy: geomorphological characterization, GNSS monitoring and risk management 149
Sezione 212090 "Mioglia", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 142
Increased flash flooding and climate change in the Genoa Metropolitan Area (Italy) 142
Geoheritage map of the Portofino Natural Park (Italy) 142
Foglio 212.2 "Urbe", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:25000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 139
Sezione 212040 "Lago di Ortiglieto", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 138
Engineering Geological and Hydrogeological Characterization of Acero Landslide (Upper Sturla Valley, Northern Apennine) 138
Geomorphological hazard and tourist vulnerability along Portofino Park trails (Italy) 134
The Lovers’ Lane (Via dell’Amore) rockfall events: a history of dangerous collapses 133
A complex landslide along the Eastern Liguria rocky coast (Italy) 132
An underground historical quarry in the Hanbury Botanical Gardens of Ventimiglia (Italy) 130
Large-scale landslide and Deep-Seated Gravitational Slope Deformation of the Upper Scrivia Valley (Northern Apennine, Italy) 130
Applied geomorphological map of the Portofino Municipal Territory (Italy) 129
Caratteristiche fisico-meccaniche di un materiale lapideo ligure (calcare marnoso di M. Antola) utilizzato come pietra da costruzione in un manufatto emergente di pregio monumentale 128
Environmental Geological Maps of San Fruttuoso Bay (Portofino Park, Italy) 126
Rockfall Risk Assessment and Management Along the “Via dell’Amore” (Lovers’ Lane) in the Cinque Terre National Park (Italy) 126
Double-sided DSGSD: a combined structural, geomorphological, engineering-geological and geophysical approach 125
Sezione 212150 "Monte Beigua", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 125
Geomorphological risk evaluation in the heterogeneous formations (flysch) along the Liguria rocky coast 124
Morphological changes and human impact in the Entella River floodplain (Northern Italy) from the 17th century 121
Geo-hydrological hazard and urban development in the Mediterranean area: an example from Genoa city (Italy) 119
Sezione 212050 "Case Cornareto", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 118
A deep seated slope gravitational deformation at the origin of Prato della Cipolla wetland (Upper Aveto Valley, Ligurian Apennine) 117
La frana costiera delle Gave nel Promontorio di Portofino (Liguria, Italia): evoluzione recente e interazione con le opere antropiche 116
Sezione 212080 "Tiglieto", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 113
Foglio 212.4 "Monte Acuto", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:25000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 112
Rainfall intensity in the Genoa Metropolitan Area (Northern Mediterranean): secular variations and consequences 111
Rainfall events with shallow landslides in the Entella catchment, Liguria, northern Italy 111
Sezione 212160 "Lerca", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 110
Sezione 212130 "Giusvalla", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 109
Geologia, paleontologia e geomorfologia della Pietra di Finale 109
Applied geomorphological map of the Magnasco and Cerisola areas between the Mt. Aiona and Gramizza stream (Aveto Natural Park, Ligurian Apennine). 108
Torrential floods in the upper Soana Valley (NW Italian Alps): Geomorphological processes and risk-reduction strategies 108
Analysis of the karst drainage system of Cà Freghé Cave (Upper Graveglia Valley karstic area, Ligurian Apennine) 107
Flash Flood Events and Urban Development in Genoa (Italy): Lost in Translation 107
The 4th October 2010 flash flood event in Genoa Sestri Ponente (Liguria, Italy) 106
Geo-hiking map of Mt. Penna and Mt. Aiona area (Aveto Natural Park, Italy) 104
The Bisagno stream catchment (Genoa, Italy) and its major floods (1822, 1970 and 2014): geomorphic and land use variations in the last three centuries 104
Anthropogenic changes in the alluvial plains of the Tyrrhenian Ligurian basins 103
Reply to Marchi's comment on "Geomorphic hazard and intense rainfall: the case study of the Recco Stream catchment (Eastern Liguria, Italy)" by Faccini et al. (2012) 102
The Sea Cliff Mass Rating geomechanical classification for the rocky coastal management plan 101
Role of rainfall intensity and urban sprawl in the 2014 flash flood in Genoa City, Bisagno catchment (Liguria, Italy) 101
Environmental geomorphology and anthropic landforms: the case of mining and quarring activities in Val Graveglia (Ligurian Apennines, Italy) 100
Active landslides on the rocky coast of Tigullio gulf (Liguria, Italy) 98
Yet another disaster flood of the Bisagno stream in Genoa (Liguria, Italy): October the 9th -10th 2014 event 98
Hydrogeological Map of Sestri-Voltaggio Zone (Western Alps) 97
Sezione 212140 "Pontinvrea", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 97
A spatial multicriteria prioritizing approach for geo-hydrological risk mitigation planning in small and densely urbanized Mediterranean basins 96
Geomorphological Landscape Research and Flood Management in a Heavily Modified Tyrrhenian Catchment 95
A deep-seated gravitational slope deformation in the Upper Bargonasco Valley (Ligurian Apennines) 94
Geological landscape and stone heritage of the Genoa Walls Urban Park and surrounding area (Italy) 94
La Val Graveglia: un tesoro geologico nell’Appennino ligure 93
Bridging Terrestrial and Marine Geoheritage: Assessing Geosites in Portofino Natural Park (Italy) 93
Geomorphological and geo-environmental features of the Graveglia Valley (Ligurian apennines, Italy) 91
Sezione 212110 "Palo", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 91
High-Resolution Lightning Detection and Possible Relationship with Rainfall Events over the Central Mediterranean Area 91
Eighty Years of Data Collected for the Determination  of Rainfall Threshold Triggering Shallow Landslides  and Mud‐Debris Flows in the Alps 90
La Val Graveglia: un tesoro geologico nell’Appennino Ligure. (Genova). 122 pp. 89
Aspetti geologico-ambientali della valle dei Mulini e della baia di Paraggi (Parco di Portofino) 88
Inventory of geo-hydrological phenomena in Genova municipality (NW Italy) 88
Map of major landslides and deep seated gravitational slope deformations with elements of applied geomorphology of the Upper Scrivia Valley (Ligurian Apennine). 87
Abandoned waste management and policies: the gedi@b project in Genoa (Italy) 87
Sezione 212070 "Pian Castagna", Carta Geologica Regionale (CGR) sc. 1:10000 riferita al Foglio 212 Spigno Monferrato - sc. 1:50000, Regione Liguria 87
Heavy Rainfall Triggering Shallow Landslides: A Susceptibility Assessment by a GIS-Approach in a Ligurian Apennine Catchment (Italy) 87
Geomorphic processes and risk related to a large landslide dam in a highly urbanized Mediterranean catchment (Genova, Italy) 87
Environmental geologic features on the anti-aircraft tunnels in the Genoan municipality (Italy) 86
Applied geology (“geo-engineering”) maps for land-use planning: the case of Chiavari municipality (Liguria, Italy). 86
Urban Geomorphology in Coastal Environment: Man-Made Morphological Changes in a Seaside Tourist Resort (Rapallo, Eastern Liguria, Italy) 86
Increased flash flooding in Genoa Metropolitan Area: a combination of climate changes and soil consumption? 85
Historical Geomorphological Research of a Ligurian Coastal Floodplain (Italy) and Its Value for Management of Flood Risk and Environmental Sustainability 84
Engineering geomorphological map of the Entella stream floodplain. 83
Geomorphological evolution of high rocky coast and relations with settlements and infrastructures (Riviera di Levante, Liguria, Italy) 83
A large-scale landslide in the recently uplifted coastal area between Moneglia and Punta Rospo (Eastern Liguria, Italy) 83
Geomorphological investigation and management of the Guvano complex landslide (Cinque Terre National Park, Italy) 83
Aspetti geomorfologici e geologico-ambientali del paesaggio vitivinicolo ligure. 82
Deep seated gravitational slope deformation in an alpine ophiolites massif: the case of “Badia di Tiglieto” (Voltri Massif, northern Italy) 82
Land-management and planning in karst areas: the Ligurian case-study (Italy) 82
Environmental impact of mass wastings processes in Ligurian Scrivia Valley (Northern Apennine, Italy) 81
A new interpretation of the large-scale Alpepiana landslide (upper Aveto Valley, Northern Apennines) based on a field survey, gis applications, and integrated monitoring activities 81
Carta geomorfologica della Val Graveglia (Appennino ligure) 80
Applied Geomorphological mapping addressed to coastal environment: experience and validation in Liguria (Italy) 80
Geomorphology of the Anthropocene in Mediterranean urban areas 80
Flood hazard zones evaluation in land planning 78
The ancient Portoro marble extraction sites on Palmaria Island (Gulf of La Spezia, Italy) 78
Geo-hydrological risk and change in rainfall regime: an example from the 4th October 2010 event in Molinassi and Chiaravagna catchments (Genova, Italy) 78
The islands of Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto (Ligurian Sea, Italy): geomorphology, georesources and cultural heritage 77
Hazard assessment and risk management of San Rocco and Mortola landslides (Portofino Natural Park, Italy) 77
Changes in rainfall regime and geo-hydrological events: an example from Chiavari City area (Eastern Liguria, Italy) 77
Avalanche hazard evaluation in the Ligurian ski resorts (Italy) 76
Totale 11.936
Categoria #
all - tutte 75.337
article - articoli 37.971
book - libri 1.723
conference - conferenze 23.783
curatela - curatele 44
other - altro 7.364
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 4.452
Totale 150.674

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20204.381 0 0 0 0 0 434 828 213 423 1.279 930 274
2020/20211.665 146 222 165 148 71 131 92 93 206 111 146 134
2021/20223.685 63 317 191 405 187 195 232 943 178 347 154 473
2022/20233.922 419 280 86 343 525 606 102 294 658 75 442 92
2023/20242.450 161 249 111 297 181 387 168 195 111 77 174 339
2024/20252.800 297 530 375 411 753 434 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 24.406