Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.069
Totale 4.069
Nazione #
IT - Italia 4.069
Totale 4.069
Città #
Genova 3.079
Rapallo 426
Vado Ligure 301
Genoa 259
Bordighera 4
Totale 4.069
Nome #
Amniotic fluid S100B protein in mid-gestation and intrauterine fetal death 143
Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome screening by behavioural state and umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry 138
Effect of L-Arginine load in platelet aggregation: a comparison between normotensive and preeclamptic pregnant women 134
Amniotic fluid levels of S100B protein in normal and trisomy-21 foetuses. 130
Phentolamine administration increases blood S100B protein levels in pediatric open heart surgery patients 129
Behavioural development and Doppler velocimetry in relation to perinatal outcome in small for dates fetuses 124
S100B protein cord blood levels and development of fetal behavioral states: a study in normal and small-for-dates fetuses. 121
Foetal response to maternal coffee intake: role of habitual versus non-habitual caffeine consumption. 121
Pregnancy induced hypertension, antihypertensive drugs and the development of fetal behavioural states 119
Effects of temperature on pre-analytical stability of S100B protein concentrations in urine of healthy full-term infants. 118
Doppler velocimetry and behavioural state development in relation to perinatal outcome in pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes” 116
S100A1B and S100BB urine levels in preterm and term healthy newborns. 114
Urinary S100A1B and S100BB to predict hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy at term. 110
A single course of antenatal betamethasone reduces neurotrophic factor S100B concentration in the hippocampus and serum in the neonatal rat 109
The impact of maternal hyperalimentation on fetal growth in normal late pregnancy 106
Increased S100B in cerebrospinal fluid of infants with bacterial meningitis: relationship to brain damage and routine cerebrospinal fluid findings. 106
Due casi di difficile inquadramento: coreoatetosi e sordità in fratelli 105
Maternal Nitric Oxide Supplementation Decreases Cord Blood Levels of S100B in Intrauterine Growth Retarded Fetuses 103
High maternal blood S100B concentrations in pregnancies complicated by intrauterine growth restriction and intraventricular hemorrhage 102
S100B protein cord levels. Gestational age correlations in normal and preterm fetuses. 101
The prevention of fetal distress: new aspects of perinatal medicine. J Perinat Med 98
Circulating S100beta protein is increased in intrauterine growth retarded fetuses 98
Cerebrospinal fluid activin a measurement in asphyxiated full-term newborns predicts hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. 97
Human milk contains S100B protein. 97
Il Pediatra all'ascolto del bambino in sovrappeso 96
Predictors of perinatal outcome in intrauterine growth retardation: a long term study 93
S100B protein concentrations in amniotic fluid are higher in monoamniotic than in diamniotic twins and singleton pregnancies 92
Immunologiocal changes in B Lymphocyutes in normal and hypertensive pregnancies 86
Tryglicerides storage disease (T.S.D.) 85
Saliva S100B in professional sportsmen: High levels at resting conditions and increased after vigorous physical activity. 72
S100B Protein Amniotic Fluid Levels Correlate with Gestational Age and with Cerebral Ultrasound Scanning Parameters in Normal Fetuses 69
Pediatric Levels of S100B Protein in Blood: Age- and Sex-Related Changes 68
La lue connatale: criteri diagnostici e condotta terapeutica 65
Deux cas inhabituels de masse abdominale 63
Maternal essential fatty acid supplementation diminishes the severity of fetal growth restriction in the rat 63
Un quadro polimalformativo di recente inquadramento 59
Il rischio della contaminazione nucleare nell'alimentazione infantile 58
Osteopetrosi ed acidosi renale: un nuovo caso di questa rara sindrome 56
L'antitrombina III nei primi giorni di vita 56
Indagine batteriologica: valutazione del rischio infettivo perinatale 55
Due diagnosi neonatali di incontinentia pigmenti 52
Agenesia polmonare 49
Sull'origine prenatale delle patologie dell'adulto. 48
Aplasia congenita della cute 45
Totale 4.069
Categoria #
all - tutte 10.505
article - articoli 10.276
book - libri 229
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 21.010

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020723 0 0 0 0 0 0 180 50 81 189 172 51
2020/2021177 12 12 17 7 7 19 19 15 21 19 16 13
2021/2022505 9 31 23 69 25 31 23 140 20 59 4 71
2022/2023528 53 50 19 55 75 108 2 39 82 8 29 8
2023/2024148 12 30 4 27 8 32 4 7 8 1 3 12
2024/2025314 47 47 13 21 118 68 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.069