Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 1.894
Totale 1.894
Nazione #
IT - Italia 1.894
Totale 1.894
Città #
Genova 553
Genoa 493
Vado Ligure 467
Rapallo 368
Bordighera 13
Totale 1.894
Nome #
SEEG assistant: A 3DSlicer extension to support epilepsy surgery 148
eBSim: Development of a low-cost obstetric simulator 146
Beta oscillatory changes and retention of motor skills during practice in healthy subjects and in patients with Parkinson's disease 117
Does extensive motor learning trigger local sleep? 116
Crisis Resource Management in Emergency Medicine: an Italian medical students’ experience 97
The development of a low-cost obstetric simulator to train midwifery students and test objective examinations' skills 85
Beta oscillations during adaptation to inertial and velocity dependent perturbations 84
Design and implementation of a low-cost birth simulator 83
A Magnetic Transducer for the Detection of the Fetal Engagement Level in Part-Task Trainers 83
RiNeo MR: A mixed-reality tool for newborn life support training 70
Design of a system to detect the force applied by tourniquets in a manikin’s limb 61
Virtual and Augmented Reality in Basic and Advanced Life Support Training 53
Driving Simulator for Assessing Driving Skills of People with Multiple Sclerosis: A Pilot Study 52
Implementation of a sensorized neonatal head model for gynechological training 52
Sharing is caring: A multidisciplinary first aid program 51
Dynamic stability and trunk control improvements following robotic balance and core stability training: a pilot study 50
Model of a tracheo-bronchial tree for the training of bronchoscopy examinations 45
Frontal increase of movement-related beta modulation is enhanced by visuo-motor learning 45
Peer collaboration in Italy during COVID-19 pandemic: the experience of an online bottom-up backed platform designed for medical students 40
Effects of rTMS and Intensive Rehabilitation in Parkinson's Disease on Learning and Retention 40
RiNeo MR: A mixed reality simulator for newborn life support training 40
Extended Visual Sequence Learning Leaves a Local Trace in the Spontaneous EEG 39
ADRIS: The new open-source accessible driving simulator for training and evaluation of driving abilities 36
Prior practice affects movement-related beta modulation and quiet wake restores it to baseline 35
The Certification Matters: A Comparative Performance Analysis of Combat Application Tourniquets versus Non-Certified CAT Look-Alike Tourniquets 34
A Personalized Driving Simulator for the Assessment of Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 34
Neural fatigue due to intensive learning is reversed by a nap but not by quiet waking 34
null 34
A novel affordable user interface for robotic surgery training: design, development and usability study 34
Validation of ELVIS, a virtual simulator for laparoscopic training 25
An Open-Source, Wheelchair Accessible and Immersive Driving Simulator for Training People with Spinal Cord Injury 22
Driving Skills Assessment in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injuries: A Pilot Test of ADRIS 3.0 Simulator 21
Physiological data collection to detect emotional state during XR experiences: a pilot study in military education 20
null 18
Beta band frequency differences between motor and frontal cortices in reaching movements 16
Military education in extended reality (XR): learning troublesome knowledge through immersive experiential application 16
Aging does not affect beta modulation during reaching movements 12
A Visuo-Haptic System for Nodule Detection Training: Insights from EEG and behavioral analysis 3
Totale 1.991
Categoria #
all - tutte 10.336
article - articoli 4.523
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 5.493
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 20.352

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020122 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 14 13 28 20 34
2020/2021112 4 12 1 8 3 2 26 7 11 13 17 8
2021/2022220 6 3 8 12 13 14 4 33 38 15 37 37
2022/2023439 30 24 14 29 35 73 24 21 77 26 77 9
2023/2024413 21 36 8 50 28 71 35 20 15 18 57 54
2024/2025551 39 64 29 119 164 99 37 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.991