Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 3.101
Totale 3.101
Nazione #
IT - Italia 3.101
Totale 3.101
Città #
Genova 2.252
Rapallo 342
Genoa 259
Vado Ligure 242
Bordighera 6
Totale 3.101
Nome #
The fate of major constituents and chromium and other trace elements when acid waters from the derelict Libiola mine (Italy) are mixed with stream waters 133
Fluxes of deep CO2 in the volcanic areas of central-southern Italy 132
Irreversible water-rock mass transfer accompanying the generation of the neutral, Mg-HCO3 and high-pH, Ca-OH spring waters of the Genova province, Italy 131
Atlante degli acquiferi della Liguria 130
Water-rock interaction in the Bisagno Valley (Genoa, Italy): application of an inverse approach to model spring water chemistry 121
Detection of Hg pollution by stream sediment geochemistry in the Bisagno Valley (Genoa, Italy). 121
Geochemistry of high-pH waters from serpentinites of the Gruppo di Voltri (Genova, Italy) and reaction path modeling of CO2 sequestration in serpentinite aquifers 118
Natural hexavalent chromium in groundwaters interacting with ophiolitic rocks 115
Oxidation state of iron in silicate glasses and melts: a thermochemical model 115
Fluid geochemistry of the Acqui Terme - Visone geothermal area (Piemonte, Italy) 113
The bimodal pH distribution of volcanic lake waters 103
Geochemistry of water discharges from the Libiola mine, Italy 99
Atlante degli acquiferi della Liguria: Volume IV: L'acquifero alluvionale della bassa valle del fiume Magra 99
Geologia delle grandi aree urbane, sottoprogetto Citta' di Genova: stato di avanzamento delle ricerche 98
Proceedings of the Arezzo Seminar on Fluids Geochemistry 89
Isotopic fractionation induced by partial oxidation of Cr(III) to Cr(VI): Implications on the assessment of environmental contamination and human healt 86
Atlante degli acquiferi del Comune di Genova: Alta Val Bisagno ed Alta Val Polcevera 84
A thermodynamic approach to bio-availability and transport properties of toxic metals in soils 84
Proceedings of the Rome Seminar on Environmental Geochemistry 82
Tridimensional modeling of the alluvial deposits underneath downtown Geonoa (Italy): hydrogeochemical implications 82
Atlante degli Acquiferi del Comune di Genova. Volume II: La falda di subalveo della bassa Val Bisagno 79
Titolo: Chromium isotopic fractionation during Cr(VI) reduction in groundwaters 79
The need for the stochastic approach in the evaluation of the fluxes and total output of CO2 emissions from soil 78
Use of stream sediment chemistry to predict groundwater chemistry. The Bisagno valley (Genoa, Italy) case study. 77
Reactions governing the chemistry of waters interacting with serpentinites 76
G4: an integrated system for the management, analysis, and visualization of the geochemical data stored in the National Geochemical Archive of Italy. 74
Detection of mercury pollution through stream sediment geochemistry in the Bisagno valley (Genoa, Italy) 72
Chromium isotopic fractionation during Cr(VI) reduction in groundwaters 69
From stream sediments to groundwater chemistry: a way to describe natural variability 68
Multidisciplinary exploration of the Tendaho Graben geothermal fields 63
From stream sediments to groundwater chemistry: water quality control 59
Scambi di massa irreversibili nel corso della generazione delle acque neutre Mg-HCO3 e delle acque basiche Ca-OH reperite nella provincia di Genova 59
Città di Genova: stato di avanzamento delle ricerche 59
The “Archivio Geochimico Nazionale” and its cartographic products: a general overview 49
Assessment of the Kiejo-Mbaka geothermal field by three-dimensional geophysical modelling 13
Totale 3.109
Categoria #
all - tutte 8.673
article - articoli 3.833
book - libri 1.614
conference - conferenze 2.229
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 997
Totale 17.346

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020483 0 0 0 0 0 0 114 31 67 143 88 40
2020/2021177 6 9 15 9 12 23 17 8 24 18 18 18
2021/2022416 26 39 24 41 11 22 28 116 15 35 8 51
2022/2023415 41 25 6 31 78 76 9 40 68 4 33 4
2023/2024181 17 33 4 31 5 15 6 14 5 3 7 41
2024/2025251 33 46 23 44 65 40 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.109