Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 9.502
Totale 9.502
Nazione #
IT - Italia 9.502
Totale 9.502
Città #
Genova 6.761
Rapallo 1.146
Genoa 877
Vado Ligure 692
Bordighera 26
Totale 9.502
Nome #
Reduction of interferences in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry by multiple linear regression modelling 175
Determination of ultratrace elements in natural waters by solid-phase extraction and atomic spectrometry methods 167
Antarctic Environmental Specimen Bank 162
The utilization of the Antarctic Environmental Specimen Bank (BCAA) in monitoring Cd and Hg in an Antarctic coastal area in Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea – Northern Victoria Land) 161
Determination of lead in bone tissues by axially viewed inductively coupled plasma multichannel-based emission spectrometry 158
ICP-AES and MicroRaman corrosion behaviour investigation on Zn4Sb3 and Al, Ag doped phases in sodium chloride solution 153
Antarctic Environmental Specimen Bank 153
Ionomic profiling of Nicotiana langsdorffii wild-type and mutant genotypes exposed to abiotic stresses 149
Bioaccumulation capacity of two chemical varieties of the lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea 145
Determination of trace metals in sea-water by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry following solid-phase extraction: quantification and reduction of residual matrix effects 143
Conversion of rare earth elements to molecular oxide ions in a dynamic reaction cell and consequences on their determination by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry 143
Determination of sub-nanomolar levels of iron in sea-water using reaction cell inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry after Mg(OH)2 coprecipitation 138
Scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive electron probe X-ray analysis investigation of a sequential extraction scheme for copper, chromium, iron and aluminium speciation in marine suspended particulate matter 136
Bioavailability of trace elements in surface sediments from Kongsfjorden, Svalbard 134
Arsenic species in certified reference material MURST-ISS-A2 (Antarctic krill) 134
Temporal distribution of trace metals in Antarctic coastal waters 133
Biogeochemical cycle of Pb in the coastal marine environment at Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea 132
Reduction of interferences in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry by multiple linear regression modelling 130
Effects of ice melting on Cu, Cd and Pb profiles in Ross Sea waters (Antarctica) 127
Comparison of inductively coupled plasma spectrometry techniques for the direct determination of rare earth elements in digests from geological samples 125
The occurrence of lead in the bone tissues of Trematomus bernacchii, Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea 123
Arsenobetaine is a significant arsenical constituent of the red Antarctic alga Phyllophora antarctica 122
Arsenic speciation in marine organisms from Antarctic coastal environments 122
Source identification of atmospheric particle-bound metals at Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica 122
Anthropogenic and natural sources of particulate trace elements in the coastal marine environment of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard 122
Year-round record of dissolved and particulate metals in surface snow at Dome Concordia (East Antarctica) 121
Trace elements in marine particulate and surface sediments of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard Islands 121
Trace metals in particulate matter and sediments 120
Mercury speciation in environmental samples by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry with in situ preconcentration on a gold trap. 118
Determination of trace level of Se and Hg in photographic emulsions by atomic spectroscopy techniques 115
Ultratrace analysis of Antarctic snow samples by reaction cell inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry using a total-consumption micro-sample-introduction system 114
Thiol-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles for static and dynamic removal of Pb(II) ions from waters 114
Distribuzione di Pb, Cd e Hg ed individuazione di possibili bioindicatori nell'ecosistema marino costiero di Baia Terra Nova (Ross Sea-Antartide), mediante l'utilizzo della Banca Campioni Ambientali Antartici 113
Natural variability and distribution of trace elements in marine organisms from Antarctic coastal environments 110
Multivariate optimization of an axially-viewed inductively coupled plasma multichannel-based emission spectrometer for the analysis of environmental samples 107
Trace metals speciation in coastal particulate matter for marine environmental studies in Antarctica 102
Determinazione di metalli pesanti nell'acqua di mare mediante spettrometria di assorbimento atomico dopo la preconcentrazione su resina chelante: controllo della qualità dei dati analitici 101
Trace metals distributions in coastal sea ice of Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea, Antarctica 101
An in situ filtration system for trace elements determination in suspended particulate matter 100
A new high efficiency micro-sample introduction system for inductively coupled plasma spectrometry and its application to the analysis of Antarctic snow 100
ICP-AES and microRaman corrosion behaviour investigation on Pb, Sb, Bi tellurides in sodium chloride solution 100
Dinamica dei processi fisici, chimici e biologici osservati a Baia Terra Nova durante l’estate australe 1997/98 99
Corrosion Behavior of Smy(FexNi1−x)4Sb12(0.40 ≤ x ≤ 0.80) in NaCl Solutions Studied by Electron Microscopy and ICP-AES 99
Determinazione di metalli in tracce in acque naturali e ghiaccio marino mediante preconcentrazione in flusso e spettrometria atomica 97
Summer distribution of trace metals in the western sector of the Ross Sea, Antarctica 96
"Sea Truth Project": a joint research effort to validate a procedure using thematic mapper data to monitor the quality of coastal waters 95
Source identification of atmospheric particle-bound metals at Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica 94
Distribuzione di elementi in trace nelle acque della Gerlache Inlet 93
Evaluation of toxic metals bioaccessibility in urban soils 92
Antarctic Environmental Specimen Bank: a tool for environmental contamination studies in polar regions 91
Retrospective biomonitoring of chemical contamination in the marine coastal environment of Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica) by environmental specimen banking 91
Laboratory studies of the accumulation of inorganic and methylmercury by the mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam) in relation to the presence of sediment. 90
ESB-based investigation of sources and transport processes of atmospheric particle-bound contaminants reaching Antarctica as inferred by elemental and isotopic analysis 89
Evaluation of the acetate buffer attack of a sequential extraction scheme for marine particulate metal speciation studies by scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis 89
Trace elements in surface sediments from Kongsfjorden: occurrence, sources and bioavailability 87
Development of new analytical methods based on ICP-MS for the determination of rare earth elements in geological samples 86
Distribuzione di Fe, Cu, Co e Mn in acque subsuperficiali nel mare di Ross (Campagna Oceanografica 1994/95) 86
Correspondence between hydrology and particulate metals concentration along Mediterranean vertical profiles. 85
Applicazione di tecniche di analisi statistica multivariata in campo ambientale marino 84
Determination of trace metals in seawater by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry following preconcentration on Chelex-100: quantification and reduction of residual matrix effects. 84
Determination of arsenic species in Antarctic marine organisms by HPLC-ICP-MS 82
Evoluzione temporale dei profili di concentrazione di Cu, Cd e Pb particellati nelle acque del Mare di Ross 82
Trace elements in Kongsfjorden: occurrence, sources and bioavailability 82
Effects of the Atlantic water and glacial run-off on the spatial distribution of particulate trace elements in the Kongsfjorden 82
Variazioni temporali nelle distribuzioni lungo la colonna d’acqua di Cu, Fe e Mn in relazione ai processi fisici e biologici osservati a Baia Terra Nova durante l’estate australe 1997/98 82
Antarctic environmental specimen bank: a tool for environmental contamination studies in polar regions 81
Trace metal speciation in coastal and off-shore sediments from Ross Sea (Antarctica) 81
Studio della distribuzione di metalli pesanti associati alle fasi solide in Mare Adriatico 80
Ecomorphological and chemical evidences of different selective pressure on two Antarctic fishes: Pleuragramma antarcticum and Trematomus eulepidotus 79
Il ruolo del ghiaccio marino nella distribuzione e speciazione di elementi in tracce nell'ambiente costiero di Baia Terra Nova 79
La spettrometria di massa con sorgente a plasma (ICP-MS) per la determinazione di specie chimiche di interesse ambientale e tossicologico 79
Metals remobilization from sediments of the Venice Lagoon. Scientific Research and Safeguarding of Venice 77
Development of new analytical methods based on ICP-MS for the determination of rare earth elements in geological samples 77
Campionamento di materiale particellato sospeso nella colonna d’acqua ed incluso nel ghiaccio marino per studi sulla distribuzione temporale di metalli in tracce nelle acque costiere antartiche 76
Dynamic reaction cell approaches for the analysis of environmental matrices by ICP-MS 76
Simultaneous determination of arsenic, mercury and selenium in foodstuffs by HG-ICP-OES 76
Trace metals speciation in Venice Lagoon during benthic chambers experiments 76
Determinazione simultanea di arsenico, selenio e mercurio in matrici alimentari mediante HG-ICP-AES 75
Distribution and speciation of trace elements in the coastal area of Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica): the role of pack-ice 74
Distribuzione di elementi in tracce in piante “wild-type” e geneticamente modificate sottoposte a stress abiotici 73
Major and trace element partitioning between dissolved and particulate phases in Antarctic surface snow 72
Applicazione di tecniche spettroscopiche per la valutazione delle sorgenti di metalli in Artide 68
Iron speciation of natural and anthropogenic atmospheric aerosols by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and selective leaching experiments 66
Determinazione di ferro disciolto in acqua di mare mediante coprecipitazione con Mg(OH)2 e analisi ICP-DRC-MS 65
Effect of heat stress on the ionomic profile of Nicotiana langsdorffii wild-type and mutant genotypes 65
Antarctic Environmental Specimen Bank: A playground for analytical spectroscopists 63
Banca Campioni Ambientali Antartici: bilancio del primo decennio di attività e sviluppo di ricerche sull’utilizzo di bioindicatori per il monitoraggio di metalli potenzialmente tossici 60
Seasonal evolution on trace elements distribution in the western sector of the Ross Sea 56
Distribuzione di elementi in tracce nel ghiaccio marino di Baia Terra Nova 51
Sviluppo di un nuovo sistema di introduzione del campione in una sorgente a plasma per lo studio delle interferenze e la selezione dello standard interno ottimale 49
Determinazione diretta di elementi in tracce in acqua di mare mediante ICP-DRC-MS 48
FIS500: apparato per la filtrazione in situ di acqua di mare e la raccolta di materiale particellato sospeso per l’analisi di metalli in tracce 41
Speciazione di metalli in tracce nel materiale particellato costiero per studi sull'ambiente marino in Antartide 39
Dissolved and particulate iron distributions in the Terra Nova Bay area (Ross Sea, Antarctica) during summer 2017 38
Iron speciation of natural and anthropogenic particulate matter by spectroscopic and chemical methods 35
Innovative In Vitro Strategy for Assessing Aluminum Bioavailability in Oral Care Cosmetics 32
Chemical Bath Deposition of Zn1−xSnxOy Films as Buffer Layers for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells 28
Iron Speciation in Different Saharan Dust Advections and Effect of the Procedural Blank on the Results From X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Selective Leaching Experiments 27
Retrospective biomonitoring of chemical contamination in Antarctic coastal waters by environmental specimen banking 27
Totale 9.567
Categoria #
all - tutte 29.127
article - articoli 16.662
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 11.323
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.142
Totale 58.254

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.400 0 0 0 0 0 0 319 110 178 412 303 78
2020/2021614 79 74 62 71 15 57 43 40 47 41 46 39
2021/20221.360 41 99 101 179 93 69 109 280 52 119 73 145
2022/20231.385 158 107 25 144 169 235 2 90 278 5 163 9
2023/2024617 20 79 18 70 43 118 39 48 44 47 42 49
2024/2025744 41 128 65 92 202 211 5 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.613