Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 11.348
Totale 11.348
Nazione #
IT - Italia 11.348
Totale 11.348
Città #
Genova 8.329
Genoa 1.405
Rapallo 1.299
Vado Ligure 284
Bordighera 31
Totale 11.348
Nome #
" A new storage scheme for an efficient implementation of the sparse matrix- vector product" 171
An awareness based approach to sustainability: Agent-Based Modeling for decision making in energy policies 156
"A 2D finite element procedure for magnetic analysis involving non-linear and hysteretic materials" 148
Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing of a SOFC system for distributed power generation 148
"A flexible environment for an efficient exploitation of vector features in electric and magnetic analysis" 139
An Improved Simulated Annealing Algorithm for the Channel Allocation Problem in cellular networks 134
A two-step procedure for the energy management in smart microgrids accounting for economical and power quality issues 134
"A statistical analysis of the AC dielectric strength of liquid nitrogen with IEC spherical electrodes under controlled conditions" 131
"Towards an environment for the integration of analysis and design" 129
"Adaptive FEM in 3D non- linear magnetostatics" 128
"An evaluation of speedup in conjugate gradient routines with a mathematical vector library" 125
A statistical investigation of the breakdown strength of liquid helium with IEC and cylindrical electrodes 124
An enhanced error estimator procedure for finite element field computation with adaptive mesh refinement 123
Techniques for the automatic optimisation of active shields 122
Numerical computation of fields in electrostatic devices: experience and applications 122
Comparison between analytical and numerical simulations of LF shielding efficiency 121
Theoretical and experimental study of the two-harmonic reluctance machine, a new class of variable speed device 120
Technique for computing the response of a line of finite length excited by high frequency electromagnetic fields 120
A computer approach to the non linear hysteretic problem of electromagnetic field computation in hard superconductors for loss evaluation 119
Quasi static optimized management of a multinode CHP plant 116
Finite difference and finite element discretization procedures with improved continuity of interpolation functions 116
Mesh adaptation in finite element analysis of 2D steady state time harmonic eddy current problems 115
Equivalent Source Methods for 3D Force Calculation with Nodal and Mixed FEM in Magnetostatic Problems 114
Modular small-CHP plants optimized design as a way to reduce CO2 emissions 113
Non linear magnetostatic adaption using a "Local Field Error" approach 109
Electromagnetic plane wave scattering from building surfaces 109
Finite difference and finite element grid optimization by the grid iteration method 109
A comparison of adaptive strategies for mesh refinement based on ‘A Posteriori’ local error estimation procedures 109
The versatility of a multiformulational approach in the solution of electromagnetic field problems 107
First results of computer aided identification of model parameters for field-enhanced impurity motion in dielectric liquids 107
Error estimation and adaptive meshing in 3D electrostatic and magnetostatic problems 106
Agent Based Modelling for Decision Making in Energy Policy 106
An identification procedure for lightning return strokes 105
Mesh adaption and optimization techniques in magnet design 104
"Refinement strategies in adaptive meshing" 104
Time-harmonic mesh adaption with error estimate based on the "Local Field Error" approach 103
Equivalent sources methods for the numerical evaluation of magnetic force with extension to non-linear materials 103
Effect of streamer shape and dimensions on local electric field conditions 103
A package for computer aided design for power electrical engineering 102
Mesh adaption and optimization techniques in magnet design 101
"Finite element modelling of charged beams" 100
A field-based inverse algorithm for the identification of different height lightning return strokes 99
Rational approximation for the time domain implementation of Cooray-Rubinstein formula 99
A system for computer-aided theoretical and experimental analysis of impurity particle motion in dielectric liquids 98
"Local error estimation procedures as refinement indicators in adaptive meshing" 97
"New developments of grid optimization by the grid iteration method", Mathematics and Computers in Simulation" 97
Regularization techniques for the high-frequency electromagnetic field coupling problem with terminated lines 97
"Trends in computer hardware and software for computer aided design application" 95
Adaptive meshing in two-variable static problems with field based error estimators using edge and facet elements 94
A new technique for computing the response of a line of finite length excited by HF electromagnetic fields 94
Electromagnetic optimization for UMTS cellular networks 93
"A numerical procedure for the design of active shields for DC applications" 93
A method for evaluating the electric field in biological samples at ELF/LF frequencies 92
Local error estimates for adaptive mesh refinement 92
A Numerical Procedure for the 3D Design and the Optimisation of Active Shield Configurations for Stationary Magnetic Fields 91
Open problems in computational electromagnetics 91
A Comparison among Several Expressions for the Numerical Computation of the Total Force Acting upon a Magnetized Body in a Magnetic Field 90
"Comparison of h-refinement techniques in adaptive meshing algorithms" 89
"Error estimation and h-refinement adaptive techniques for electromagnetic analysis application" 88
"An Automatic Remeshing Procedure for 2D Electromagnetic Finite Element Codes" 88
A full-Maxwell formulation for the high frequency analysis of finite terminated multiconductor transmission lines 87
Time harmonic mesh adaption using OPERA-2d 87
A Simulated Annealing based Algorithm for the Optimisation of the Channel Allocation Problem in GSM networks 86
Evaluation of the field coupling to a line of finite length - A comparison between the dual integral equation approach and the moment method 86
An equivalent circuit model for LEMP-excited transmission lines 85
"Correlation between apparent elastic modulus and flexural dynamic ageing of laminated dielectric composites performed at ambient and 77 K temperatures" 85
A local error ‘field based’ method for error estimation and adaptive meshing for finite element analysis 84
Technical and compatibility issues in the design of HVDC sea electrodes 84
"Superconducting shields for A.C. magnetic field" 83
"Techniques of h-refinement in adaptive meshing algorithns" 83
A Flexible post processing program for electromagnetic CAD 83
Generalized Response Surface Optimizers: description of the algorithm, applications, and improvement strategies 82
Hybrid deterministic/stochastic fuzzy methods for the optimization of electromagnetic devices 82
Controllo e gestione di microreti: il Living Lab Microgrid 82
"Recent developments in high performance computing for enigineering analysis and simulation" 80
“Innovative Approaches for Modularization and Constructability of Nuclear Plants” 80
"Some data on the AC breakdown strength of liquid helium in the millimeter gap range" 80
Models for EMC analysis of “field bus” cables 79
A gauged A,V-A-psi formulation without A.n=0 on conductor boundaries 79
"Static and sinusoidal analysis of current flow problems in imperfect dielectrics" 79
A modular finite element package for research in electromagnetic analysis developed in a group of italian universities 78
A new method to identify return stroke characteristics 77
Time-domain implementation of Cooray-Rubinstein formula via convolution integral and rational approximation 77
A user-oriented package for computer aided design of high-voltage devices 76
Stochastic optimization using OPERA-2d 76
An improved accuracy field calculation program for ironless structures 76
Advanced tools for computer aided design in applied electromagnetics 75
Analysis of Electromagnetic Transients in HV Substations: Main Issues and Investigation Methodologies and Tools 75
Error estimate and adaptive meshing in finite element solutions of electric and magnetic problems 75
Newton-Raphson and Fixed Point methods in finite element nonlinear magnetic field computations 74
"Pressure transducer for 77 K operation" 74
A generalized finite element procedure allowing the definition of the problem to be solved by input data 73
A simple strategy to optimally design and manage a photovoltaic plant integrated with a storage system for different applications 72
"Parameter identification for a model of impurity particle in a dielectric fluid by means of computer- aided analysis of experimental data" 71
A new class of uniform field electrodes for dielectric strength test in dielectric liquids 70
Current standard practice in EHV/HV Italian substation design: Oriented modelling and simulation of lightning protection system for improving design criteria 69
A multiformulation approach to eddy current computation 69
Numerical Analysis of a high power AC-DC Converter for High Current Application 68
Le principali linee di ricerca di elettromagnetismo computazionale presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica dell’Università di Genova 68
Three dimensional Finite Element Analysis in the Design of an AC-DC Converter for Arc Furnace feeding 67
Totale 9.768
Categoria #
all - tutte 29.778
article - articoli 15.020
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 12.088
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 2.483
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 188
Totale 59.557

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.744 0 0 166 148 261 254 465 129 237 569 388 127
2020/2021580 49 47 58 24 25 62 28 40 82 47 61 57
2021/20221.260 21 118 108 134 44 72 117 262 53 130 35 166
2022/20231.573 160 105 27 179 259 275 6 111 262 17 150 22
2023/20241.017 45 95 26 127 72 183 76 50 80 40 88 135
2024/2025440 217 190 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.399