Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 6.003
Totale 6.003
Nazione #
IT - Italia 6.003
Totale 6.003
Città #
Genova 4.306
Rapallo 852
Genoa 605
Vado Ligure 221
Bordighera 19
Totale 6.003
Nome #
Rectifier Dynamic Mod­els for Short-Circuit Transient Analysis in DC Metrorail Sys­tems 145
A non conventional power converter for plasma stabilization 141
Dynamic performances of AC drives fed from power transistor-thyristor inverters 135
An optimal controller for voltage balance and power losses reduction in MPC AC/DCAC converters 132
A new PWM control sys­tem for UPS using hysteresis com­pa­rator 130
Analysis of PWM techniques using uniform sampling in variable-speed electrical drives with large speed range 128
Multilevel converters for high power AC drives: a review 127
Life cycle assessment of hydrogen-powered city buses in the High V.LO-City project: integrating vehicle operation and refuelling infrastructure 127
Analysis and synthesis of ac static power controllers 122
A minimum-energy based capacitor voltage balancing control strategy for MPC conversion systems 121
Theoretical and experimental study of the two-harmonic reluctance machine, a new class of variable speed device 120
PWM strategies for in­verter-fed asynchronous motors with a wide range of variable speed 117
About the DC-link capacitors voltage balance in multi-point clamped converters 111
PWM systems in power converters: an extension of the sub-harmonic method 111
A simplified control strategy for inverter-fed in­duc­tion motors oriented to electric traction applica­tion: design and realiza­tion 109
Static conversion systems for remote rural communities coupled to solar and wind generators 104
Hybrid reactive power compensation system: advanced control strategy development 99
Efficiency evaluation of fuel cell vehicle power conversion systems based on average switching modeling 99
The two-harmonic reluctance motor: an introduction to a new kind of variable-speed device 96
A voltage sag detection algorithm based on rectified voltage processing 95
Digital simulation of AC electrical drives based on field-oriented control method using a general purpose program 95
Fuel cell electric buses and perspectives: High V.LO-City Project 94
Modelli integrati di reti di trasporto pubblico su scala regionale:quadro europeo e prospettive 92
A new power VDMOS model, implemented in SPICE and oriented toward the design of electronic power converters 92
A non conventional power converter for plasma stabilization 91
Evaluation of interport performances: a state automaton approach 91
A static hy­brid converter for road electric vehicles 91
Voltage sag detection based on rectified voltage processing 91
Optimized modula­tion techniques for the gen­eralized n-level converter 89
Innovazione, ricerca e sviluppo nel settore del TPL per i sistemi su gomma: esperienze europee e vetture fuel cell 88
Advances in high power asynchronous motor traction drives 88
EMC issues in electric railway traction systems 87
A new approach to optimise interport performance 86
Dynamic interactions in pantograph-catenary power transmission systems 85
Trends in hybrid vehicles power flow control 84
Analysis of the impact of AFE Active Front End on the THD on a shipboard power system: a comparison study using different simulation approaches 84
Digital sim­ulation of a high-dynamics brushless motor drive for robotic ap­plications 83
Development and analysis of remedial strategies for faults in NPC converter systems 83
Estimation of losses in static power converters via computer simulation: preliminary results 81
Development of open-loop and closed-loop techniques for the optimization of modular multilevel conversion structures 81
Different excitation systems for inverter-fed synchronous motors with variable speed 80
AC chopper regulation using power transistors 80
Finite element modelling of electrostatic microactuators 80
A multi-criteria algorithm for voltage sag detection 79
Vector control method in high power drives for industrial applications 78
Fundamental aspects of linear induction motor drives control 77
Analysis of DC-link capacitor voltage balance in AC-DC-AC diode-clamped multilevel converters 75
Analysis and design of electric traction systems: performing digital sim­ulation by EMTP 75
Trends in multilevel power conversion 75
A high performance DSP based system for ro­botics drives 74
Improving AC line cur­rent and power factor using converters controlled by a generalized PWM method 74
Improving the performance of ac/dc converters with high frequency AC chop­per control 73
Macro­modeling of power bipolar transistor using SPICE 71
25 MFLOPS DSP imple­mentation for fully digitalized brushless drive sys­tem 70
An induction motor flux and speed observer: performances evaluation at several power levels 70
A neural rotor flux observer for induction motor control 70
An accurate circuital model of high voltage LDMOSs for switching applications 70
Computer simulation and experimental results of Elec­trical Drives for Dual-Mode Bus 68
An approach to filter design for UPS systems using PRM modulators 66
Interport modelling with state automata 66
Optimum design of a Power Transistor In­vert­er controlled by PWM technique 62
Convertitore a GTO per gruppi statici di continuita' 62
Torque/volume increase in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors by fill factor enhancement 61
Coupled multilevel converters for reactive power and distortion minimization in AC and DC arc furnaces 52
Sviluppo di osservatore di flusso rotorico per il controllo di motori a induzione tramite reti neurali 51
Il progetto Custom Power 49
Application du principe du hacheur dans les variateurs utilisant des transistors de puissance au lieu de thyristor 46
Filovie in Italia: evoluzione e prospettive 34
Totale 6.013
Categoria #
all - tutte 15.524
article - articoli 3.097
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 12.427
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 31.048

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.232 0 0 0 49 119 115 207 53 129 292 190 78
2020/2021222 16 14 7 12 9 28 9 17 33 15 31 31
2021/2022729 7 58 28 77 25 52 65 160 18 81 22 136
2022/2023980 79 73 23 120 117 197 5 75 136 5 140 10
2023/2024463 27 60 10 57 28 96 20 29 27 13 35 61
2024/2025247 60 97 73 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.013