Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 17.066
Totale 17.066
Nazione #
IT - Italia 17.064
DE - Germania 2
Totale 17.066
Città #
Genova 12.121
Rapallo 2.031
Genoa 1.742
Vado Ligure 1.131
Bordighera 39
Bochum 2
Totale 17.066
Nome #
Note Illustrative al Foglio n. 212 "Spigno Monferrato" sc. 1:50000 della Carta Geologica Regionale della Liguria 283
The Port-Vendres 4 Shipwreck Cargo: Evidence of the Roman wine trade in the western Mediterranean 161
Bassoite, SrV3O7•4H2O, a new mineral from Molinello mine, Val Graveglia, eastern Liguria, Italy. 150
Vanadiocarpholite, Mn2+V3+Al(Si2O6)(OH)4, a new mineral from the Molinello mine, northern Apennines, Italy 147
Formation of FeSbO4 and its solid solubility with TiO2 at high temperature 144
Seagrass on the rocks: Posidonia oceanica settled on shallow-water hard substrata withstands wave stress beyond predictions 134
First occurrence of a Ba-dominant brewsterite: structural features 126
Mcalpineite from the Gambatesa mine, Italy, and redefinition of the species 122
Mn-ores from Eastern Ligurian ophiolitic sequences ("Diaspri di Monte Alpe" Formation, Northern Apennines, Italy) 121
From oxidizing to reducing alteration: mineralogical variations in pillow basalts from the East flank, Juan de Fuca Ridge 121
The role of new zinc incorporated monetite cements on osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells 121
Weissite from Gambatesa mine, Val Graveglia, Liguria, Italy: occurrence, composition and determination of the crystal structure. 119
Squawcreekite-rutile solid solution from the Kajlidongri mine (India) 118
null 117
Hollandite-cryptomelane and braunite in Mn-ores from upper Jurassic meta-arenites and marbles (Internal Briançonnais, Maritime Alps). 116
A consecutive decomposition–sintering dilatometer method to study the effect of limestone impurities on lime microstructure and its water reactivity 116
Archaeometric analyses of Early and Middle Neolithic pottery from the Pian del Ciliegio rock shelter (Finale Ligure, NW Italy) 115
Pumpellyites and coexisting minerals in different low-grade metamorphic facies of Liguria ,Italy 115
Catalan Imitations of the Ligurian Taches Noires Ware in Barcelona (18th–19th Century): An Example of Technical Knowledge Transfer 114
The circulation of Early Neolithic pottery in the Mediterranean: A synthesis of new archaeometric data from the Impressed Ware culture of Liguria (north-west Italy). 113
A particular temper: mineralogical and petrographic characterisation of ceramic fabrics with glauconitic inclusions 112
The archaeometric study of white slips: a contribution to the characterisation of medieval mediterranean productions 109
Mcalpineite from the Gambatesa mine: a re-investigation of crystal structure and chemical composition. 109
Britholite-hellandite intergrowths and associated REE-minerals from the alkali-syenitic ejecta of the Vico volcanic complex (Latium, Italy): petrological implications bearing on REE mobility in volcanic systems. 109
Geikielite (Mg-Ilmenite) in association with Cr-spinels and platinoids from the Uktus Massif dunites, middle Urals: genetic implications. 107
Structural studies on synthetic and natural Fe-Sb-oxides of MO2 type 107
Geologia, paleontologia e geomorfologia della Pietra di Finale 107
Isothermal-isobaric mineral equilibria in braunite-, rhodonite-, johannsenite, calcite-bearing assemblages from Northern Apennine metacherts (Italy) 103
Sulphur Isotopes, Trace Elements and Mineral Stability Diagrams of Waters from the Abandoned Fe-Cu Mines of Libiola and Vigonzano (Northern Apennines, Italy). 101
The role of oxygen partial pressure on the stability of FeSbO4: a DTA-TG analysis 101
Lavinskyite-1M, K(LiCu)Cu6(Si4O11)2(OH)4, the monoclinic MDO equivalent of lavinskyite-2O (formerly lavinskyite), from the Cerchiara manganese mine, Liguria, Italy 101
Gravel sediment bypass between contiguous littoral cells in the NW Mediterranean Sea 101
Chromite composition and platinum-group mineral assemblage in the Uktus Uralian-Alaskan-type complex (Central Urals, Russia). 101
Vulcanismo, sedimentazione e tettonica nel Brianzonese Ligure Esterno durante il Permo-Carbonifero. 100
Platinum-Group Element geochemistry in the Bracco gabbroic complex (Ligurian ophiolites, Italy). 99
Micro-XRF Trace Element Quantification in calcite: a contribution to white marble provenance determination 99
V-rich Ca-Na clinopyroxenes in eclogitized Fe-gabbros from the Voltri Group (Ligurian Alps, Northern Italy). 99
Solid state miscibility in the pseudo-binary TiO2-(FeSb)O4 system at 1373 K 98
Il Basamento cristallino del Torrente Visone. 97
Clinopyroxenes compositional variability through blueschists metamorphism in Ligurian Alps. 97
Origin of ruthenium, osmium, iridium and iron oxides by progressive desolforation and oxidation of laurite in Nurali chromitites (Russia). 97
Sr-rich hollandite and cryptomelane in braunite-ores of Maritime Alps and Eastern Liguria (Italy) 97
Analisi petrografiche in sezioni sottili da Caronia e Furnari Tonnarella 93
Composition and miscibility gap in Na-Ca clinopyroxenes through high-pressure metamorphism 93
An investigation on mcalpineite from the Gambatesa and the Eureka mines. 93
Mineralogical and petrographic analyses of tiles (tegulae) from the late roman necropolis of Priamar, Savona (Liguria, NW Italy) 92
A monoclinic K-Li-Cu-Mg silicate from the Cerchiara mine: a dimorph of lavinskyite? 92
Platinum-group minerals from the zoned ultramafic intrusion of Uktus (Central Urals, Russia). 91
Ti-Zr- rich oxides in "Chromitite" layers from the Bracco ophiolite complex (Eastern Liguria, Italy). 91
The Late Roman glazed pottery production in Eastern Alpine area and Danubian provinces : archaeometric analyses on fabrics and glazes 91
Mineralogical holotypes in the Dip.Te.Ris. Museum (Earth Science Section), Università di Genova, Italy. 90
Significance of chemical variations in a chert sequence of the “Diaspri di Monte Alpe Formation” (Val Graveglia, Northern Apennine, Italy) 90
The breakdown of braunite + quartz assemblages through syntectonic veining in manganese ores of Eastern Liguria (Italy) 90
Caratterizzazione mineralogico-petrografica di anfore e mattoni dalla fornace della prima età imperiale dal sito Puerta Califal-Parador de Turismo (Ceuta, Mauretania Tingitana). 90
Signs of the XVII-XIX centuries mining activity at Monte Ramazzo mine (Genova, Italy) 89
The contribution of archaeometric analyses to the characterisation of North Etruscan amphorae and coarse ware 89
Archaeometric investigation on 13th century glazed ceramics found in Liguria and Provence 87
Occurrence of unknown Ru-Os-Ir-Fe oxides in the chromitites of the Nurali Ultramafic Complex, Southern Urals, Russia. 86
Chromite and Platinum-Group Element mineralization in the Uktus Ural-Alaskan type complex. 86
Analisi archeometriche in sezione sottile di alcuni reperti ceramici e di laterizi 86
Sediment bypass from the littoral cell in gravel pocket beaches of the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean) 86
Hydrothermal contributions to cherts deposition in Northern Apennines: a preliminary report. 85
Very low T/P Eocene metamorphism in the Inner Briançonnais Domain, Maritime Alps. 84
Archaeometric characterisation of glazed monochrome cooking wares found at Palazzo Ducale of Genoa (12-13th c. AD) 84
Analisi in sezione sottile di ceramica comune proveniente da Loppio. 84
Al-rich, Fe-poor manganoan sugilite in a pectolite-bearing assemblage from Cerchiara Mine (Northern Apennine, Italy) 84
Mineralogical and petrographic analyses of tiles from the Late Roman necropolis of Priamar, Savona (Liguria, NW Italy). 83
Gobelets à anse à poucier en céramique non tournée de Méditerranée nord-occidentale 82
Textural evidences of microbiological alteration of glass, in pillow basalts from ODP Leg 168, Eastern Flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. 81
TEM-AEM study of clay mineral mixtures related to low temperature hydrothermal alteration of pillow basalts from Eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge 81
K-rich hollandite in Mn-ores from Upper Jurassic blueschist facies metaarenites and marbles, Internal Briançonnais cover Units. 81
Petrographic analyses of Co-blue decorations in ceramic glazes:some examples. 80
Danburite-bearing mineralizations in metapelites of permian age (Ligurian Briançonnais, Maritime Alps, Italy). 79
Archaeometric research on the Early Neolithic pottery production in Liguria (Northern Italy): preliminary data from San Sebastiano di Perti (Savona) 79
Technological transfer and trade routes of glazed wares in Medieval and post-Medieval times in the western Mediterranean. "Global pottery" from Savona and Albisola (Liguria, Italy). 78
Clay mineral mixtures as alteration products in pillow basalts from Eastern flank of Juan de Fuca ridge: a TEM-AEM study. 78
An investigation into properties of ochre from Arene Candide Cave: implication for provenance studies in Liguria region 78
Pietra di Finale: Una risorsa naturale e storica del Ponente Ligure 78
Early late Cretaceous radiolarian deposits in the Northern Apennines: biostratigraphy and mineralogical data from the 77
Occurrence of LREE- and Y-arsenates from a Fe-Mn deposit, Ligurian Briançonnais domain, Maritime Alps, Italy 77
Mn-silicate assemblages as alteration products of braunite ores (Gambatesa Mine, Eastern Liguria, Italy): a SEM and TEM study. 77
Meadow development of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica on the rocky seabed: a preliminary study in the Ligurian Sea. 77
Glass alteration in <3.5 Ma old pillow basalts from the eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge (ODP LEG 168): mineralogy and chemistry 77
Archaeometric analyses of Mediterranean glazed cooking wares. The case study of Palazzo Ducale, Genoa (12th-13th c. AD) 76
Analisi archeometriche di ceramiche preistoriche. 75
Una nuova produzione di Graffita arcaica tirrenica? Caratterizzazione archeologica e archeometrica di ceramiche ingobbiate da Finale Ligure (SV) 75
Thermophysical properties of the Lipari lavas (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) 75
L'approvvigionamento dei materiali litici per manufatti in pietra levigata nel settore delle Alpi Liguri tra Genova e Savona. 74
Analisi archeometriche e archeologiche integrate sulla ceramica invetriata da fuoco dal Palazzo Ducale di Genova (XII-XIII sec.). 74
Platinum-Group Element mineralogy and geochemistry in chromitites and related ultramafic rocks of the Nurali complex (Southern Urals). 72
Analisi archeometriche sui materiali litici e ceramici dell'atelier di Albinia 72
Authigenic monazite and xenotime from pelitic metacherts in pumpellyite-actinolite facies condition, Sestri-Voltaggio Zone, Central Liguria, Italy 72
Analisi in sezione sottile su anfore di Loppio 72
Occurrence of Platinum-group minerals in chromitites of the Kluchevskoy ophiolite complex, Central Urals, Russia: Preliminary results. 72
REE and Y minerals in an Fe-Mn deposit (Maritime Alps, Italy) 71
Attività manifatturiere nel retroterra di Portus Pisanus. 71
Archaeometric analyses of Neolithic pottery from Pian Ciliegio (Finale Ligure, NW Italy). 71
Arsenmedaite, Mn2+6As5+Si5O18(OH), the arsenic analogue of medaite, from the Molinello mine, Liguria, Italy: occurrence and crystal structure 71
L'abitato d'altura di X-XI secolo a Corvara di Beverino (SP). Contributo all'archeologia del paesaggio altomedievale in Lunigiana. 70
Totale 9.632
Categoria #
all - tutte 50.485
article - articoli 21.574
book - libri 1.217
conference - conferenze 19.042
curatela - curatele 350
other - altro 298
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 8.004
Totale 100.970

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.995 0 0 0 0 417 450 700 149 351 973 716 239
2020/2021905 61 65 71 69 47 91 40 77 155 71 91 67
2021/20222.752 29 262 144 325 109 111 157 757 142 271 65 380
2022/20232.503 274 105 38 235 413 475 25 225 437 31 206 39
2023/20241.244 46 236 30 115 99 179 114 65 75 42 64 179
2024/20251.207 133 348 199 196 331 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 17.346