Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.147
Totale 4.147
Nazione #
IT - Italia 4.147
Totale 4.147
Città #
Genova 3.010
Rapallo 470
Genoa 361
Vado Ligure 301
Bordighera 5
Totale 4.147
Nome #
Musculoskeletal manifestations of chronic anemias. 136
Imaging studies of crystalline arthritides. 133
MRI synovitis and bone lesions are common in acute gouty arthritis of the wrist even during the first attack. 133
Multimodality imaging of intraosseous ganglia of the wrist and their differential diagnosis. 128
Sonographic characterization of an accessory fissure of the left hepatic lobe determined by omental infolding. 126
Myocardial bridging of the left anterior descending coronary artery and anomalous origin of circumflex coronary artery: preoperative assessment with MDCT. 125
Ultrasound-guided procedures around the wrist and hand: How to do 123
Osteitis condensans of the sternal manubrium and ossification of the costoclavicular ligaments. 122
Primary lymphoma of the mandible with diffuse widening of the mandibular canal: report of a case. 122
An appraisal of magnetic resonance imaging of the wrist in rheumatoid arthritis. 114
Sirenomelia. Pathological features, antenatal ultrasonographic clues, and a review of current embryogenic theories. 114
Polymyalgia rheumatica is associated with extensor tendon tenosynovitis but not with synovitis of the hands: a magnetic resonance imaging study. 114
Gradient echo MRI of portal vein thrombosis. 114
Comparison of the manual and computer-aided techniques for evaluation of wrist synovitis using dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI on a dedicated scanner. 111
E-learning in radiology: an Italian multicentre experience. 110
Comparison of clinical, MRI and arthroscopic assessments of chronic ACL injuries, meniscal tears and cartilage defects 110
Vasculitis of the temporal artery in a young woman. 110
Plantar pain is not always fasciitis 105
Anatomia normale ecografica e power Doppler 101
Quadri patologici nelle malattie reumatiche articolari 99
Multimodal imaging in the differential diagnosis of soft tissue calcinosis. 97
E-learning in radiology:Italian multicentre experience 95
Dynamic contrast-enhanced, extremity-dedicated MRI identifies synovitis changes in the follow-up of rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with rituximab 94
[Color-Doppler echography of the testis. Study technique and vascular anatomy]. 94
Imaging techniques in psoriatic arthritis: Update 2012-2014 on current status and future prospects 92
Semeiotica ecografica delle malattie dell'apparato locomotore 91
Multidetector computed tomography arthrography of the knee: diagnostic accuracy and indications. 91
Ankylosis of the wrist bones in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a study with extremity-dedicated MRI 89
Power Doppler analysis of tendon vascularization. 81
MR imaging of the diabetic foot. 81
The diagnosis of Morton's neuroma: ultrasonography versus magnetic resonance. 79
In vivo P-MRS assessment of Energy metabolism in running specialities 79
MRI and istological characterization of bone marrow oedema in chronic tophaceous gout 76
[Morpho-functional study of the rectal ampulla as a diagnostic contribution to the cause of diarrhea after total colectomy with ileo-rectal anastomosis]. 74
null 73
Imaging of tophi with an extremity-dedicated MRI system. 69
Atlante di Colangiopancreatografia Retrograda Endoscopica 67
Hip election radiographic plane (HERP) in the preoperative planning of prostheses with femoral neck preservation. 65
Role of high-resolution ultrasound in the evaluation of psoriatic onychopathy 64
[Choledocho-colic fistula after acute pancreatitis]. 63
Le Basi Fisico-Tecniche dell'Ecografia Medica 60
Dynamic magnetic resonance of the wrist in psoriatic arthritis reveals imaging patterns similar to those of rheumatoid arthritis. 60
Ultrasound versus low-field magnetic resonance imaging in rheumatic diseases: a systematic literature review. 35
Extrusion of the medial meniscus in knee osteoarthritis assessed with a rotating clino-orthostatic permanent-magnet MRI scanner 11
CT-guided needle localization of lung nodules for thoracoscopic resection 2
Totale 4.178
Categoria #
all - tutte 12.053
article - articoli 10.834
book - libri 422
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 797
Totale 24.106

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020842 0 0 0 0 0 115 188 67 104 206 114 48
2020/2021302 20 39 27 22 13 31 17 21 30 27 34 21
2021/2022477 13 37 34 62 17 43 36 99 15 52 14 55
2022/2023551 48 30 18 48 107 102 2 45 92 5 45 9
2023/2024275 12 32 3 43 14 57 6 10 12 8 8 70
2024/2025312 8 54 17 44 128 61 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.178