Il corpus Emigrantendeutsch in Israel: Wiener in Jerusalem (ISW) fa parte del cosiddetto Israelkorpus, un corpus di interviste biografico-narrative a israeliani tedescofoni, la cui vita è stata segnata dalle politiche antisemite quindi dall’emigrazione e infine dal nuovo inizio in un altro paese. Il racconto delle storie di vita si articola non solo in una dimensione temporale ma anche in una spaziale perché i ricordi come le emozioni a essi collegati (Leonardi 2017: 141) sono ancorati ai luoghi in cui sono state vissute le esperienze rievocate. Nel nostro contributo intendiamo esaminare in particolare il ruolo dei ‘luoghi di transito’ (cfr. § 4) caratteristici delle migrazioni e più in generale dei viaggi (cfr. Schlör 2015) nell’elaborazione narrativo-mnestica e il loro rapporto con le emozioni recuperate dalla memoria e rivissute nella narrazione (Fiehler 2011; Leonardi 2016). Dopo un quadro della ricerca sulla relazione tra luoghi memoria racconto ed emozioni e introducendo anche la categoria di cronotopo (§ 2) viene presentato più in dettaglio il corpus nonché le ipotesi di ricerca per una mappatura dei luoghi nel corpus (§ 3). Partendo da una sistematizzazione delle denominazioni di luogo nel corpus (§ 4) ci concentriamo poi sui ‘luoghi di transito’ come ‘soglia’ tra due tronconi di vita e sulle emozioni ad essi connessi applicando uno strumentario quantitativo-qualitativo (§ 4) segue un breve saggio di un approccio qualitativo (§ 5).
The corpus Emigrantendeutsch in Israel: Wiener in Jerusalem (ISW) belongs to the so-called Israelkorpus, a corpus of biographical-narrative interviews with German-speaking Israelis whose lives were marked by anti-Semitic policies then emigration, and finally a new beginning in another country. The narratives focussing on their life stories are structured not only in a temporal dimension but also in a spatial one, as memories as well as the emotions connected to them (Leonardi 2017: 141) are anchored to the places where the recalled experiences were lived. In our contribution we intend to examine in particular the role of the 'places of transit' (cf. § 4) typical of migration and more generally of journeys (cf. Schlör 2015) in narrative-mnestic elaboration and their relationship with the emotions retrieved from memory and re-lived in narrative (Fiehler 2011; Leonardi 2016). After an overview of the research on the relationship between narrative, memory, places, and emotions and introducing the category of chronotope (§ 2) the corpus is presented in more detail as well as the research hypotheses for a mapping of the places in the corpus (§ 3). Starting from a systematisation of the place names in the corpus (§ 4) we then focus on 'places of transit' as a 'threshold' between two life segments and the emotions connected to them by applying quantitative-qualitative tools (§ 4) followed by a brief sketch of a qualitative approach (§ 5).
Luoghi di transito, ricordi ed emozioni nel corpus Emigrantendeutsch in Israel: Wiener in Jerusalem (ISW)
Simona Leonardi
The corpus Emigrantendeutsch in Israel: Wiener in Jerusalem (ISW) belongs to the so-called Israelkorpus, a corpus of biographical-narrative interviews with German-speaking Israelis whose lives were marked by anti-Semitic policies then emigration, and finally a new beginning in another country. The narratives focussing on their life stories are structured not only in a temporal dimension but also in a spatial one, as memories as well as the emotions connected to them (Leonardi 2017: 141) are anchored to the places where the recalled experiences were lived. In our contribution we intend to examine in particular the role of the 'places of transit' (cf. § 4) typical of migration and more generally of journeys (cf. Schlör 2015) in narrative-mnestic elaboration and their relationship with the emotions retrieved from memory and re-lived in narrative (Fiehler 2011; Leonardi 2016). After an overview of the research on the relationship between narrative, memory, places, and emotions and introducing the category of chronotope (§ 2) the corpus is presented in more detail as well as the research hypotheses for a mapping of the places in the corpus (§ 3). Starting from a systematisation of the place names in the corpus (§ 4) we then focus on 'places of transit' as a 'threshold' between two life segments and the emotions connected to them by applying quantitative-qualitative tools (§ 4) followed by a brief sketch of a qualitative approach (§ 5).I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.