100021 - Dipartimento di Matematica
A cut-free sequent system for Grzegorczyk logic, with an application to the Gödel-McKinsey-Tarski embedding
2012-01-01 Dyckhoff, R.; Negri, S.
A sequent calculus for preferential conditional logic based on neighbourhood semantics
2015-01-01 Negri, S.; Olivetti, N.
A system of proof for Lewis counterfactual
2016-01-01 Negri, Sara; Sbardolini, Giorgio
Advances in Modal Logic
2020-01-01 Negri, Sara; Olivetti, Nicola; Sandu, Gabriel; Verbrugge, Rineke
Alternative Axiomatization for Logics of Agency in a G3 Calculus
2021-01-01 Negri, Sara; Pavlović, Edi
Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods. 30th International Conference, TABLEAUX 2021, Birmingham, UK, September 6–9, 2021, Proceedings
2021-01-01 Das, Anupam; Negri, Sara
2017-01-01 Dyckhoff, R; Negri, Sara
Conditional beliefs: From neighbourhood semantics to sequent calculus
2018-01-01 Girlando, M.; Negri, S.; Olivetti, N.; Risch, V.
Counterfactual logic: labelled and internal calculi, two sides of the same coin?
2018-01-01 Girlando, M.; Negri, S.; Olivetti, N.
Countermodels from sequent calculi in multi-modal logics
2012-01-01 Garg, D.; Genovese, V.; Negri, S.
Cut Elimination in Sequent Calculi with Implicit Contraction, with a Conjecture on the Origin of Gentzen's Altitude Line Construction
2016-01-01 Negri, S; von Plato, J
Does the deduction theorem fail for modal logic?
2012-01-01 Hakli, R.; Negri, S.
From mathematical axioms to mathematical rules of proof: Recent developments in proof analysis
2019-01-01 Negri, S.; Von Plato, J.
Geometric Rules in Infinitary Logic
2019-01-01 Negri, Sara
Geometric rules in infinitary logic
2021-01-01 Negri, Sara
Geometrisation of First-Order Logic
2015-01-01 Dyckhoff, R.; Negri, S.
Glivenko sequent classes and constructive cut elimination in geometric logics
2022-01-01 Negri, Sara; Orlandelli, Eugenio; Fellin, Giulio
Glivenko sequent classes in the light of structural proof theory
2016-01-01 Negri, S.
Investigations into the Predicate Calculus
2022-01-01 Negri, Sara
Le direzioni della ricerca logica in Italia: Teoria strutturale della dimostrazione
2015-01-01 Negri, Sara