100012 - Dipartimento di Economia
"In my beginning is my end". A stylistic investigation into James' Joyce's "A Mother".
2004-01-01 Douthwaite, John
"Pygmalion" by George Bernard Shaw.
1995-01-01 Douthwaite, John
"The Devil Wears Prada" - appearance and reality
2011-01-01 Douthwaite, John
A lexical approach to text analysis.
2001-01-01 Douthwaite, John
A social landscape: Form and style in an Edith Wharton short story
2017-01-01 Douthwaite, John
A Stylistic View of Modality
2007-01-01 Douthwaite, John
Agatha Christie and the social function of the detective fiction of the Golden Age
2013-01-01 Douthwaite, John
An Inverted Feast. A Reading of "Clay" by James Joyce.
2003-01-01 Douthwaite, John
Approaching a Literary Text through Cognitive Metaphor
2012-01-01 Douthwaite, John
Cityscapes as an index of alienation in John Cheever and Raymond Carver
2007-01-01 Douthwaite, John
Cityscapes: Islands of the Self Vol 2 Language Studies
2007-01-01 Jottini, L; DEL LUNGO, G; Douthwaite, John
Coetzee's "Disgrace": a Linguistic Analysis of the Opening Chapter
2005-01-01 Douthwaite, John
Cognitive Metaphor in "A Little Cloud"
2015-01-01 Douthwaite, John
Cognitive Pragmatics. The Mental Processes of Communication
2010-01-01 Douthwaite, John
Cognitive Science: A Developmental Approach to the Simulation of the Mind
1995-01-01 Douthwaite, John
Communion and Alterity
2008-01-01 Douthwaite, John
Community, Values, Action and Discourse: Language and Bureaucracy in Colonial to Post-coloniual Literary Settings
2005-01-01 Douthwaite, John
Conceptual Metaphor and Communication: An Austinian and Gricean Analysis of Brian Clark’s Whose Life Is It Anyway?
2011-01-01 Douthwaite, John
Conversational Style as Symbolism.
1998-01-01 Douthwaite, John
Counterparts: Local or Global?
2008-01-01 Douthwaite, John