100012 - Dipartimento di Economia
A Chance Constrained Stochastic Model for Operating Room Planning under Uncertainty.
2012-01-01 Landa, Paolo; Tanfani, Elena; Testi, Angela
A comparative study for cost-utility analysis methods: An application to a case study on multicomponent vaccine against Meningococcal B Disease
2017-01-01 Landa, Paolo; Tànfani, Elena; Testi, Angela
A Discrete Event Simulation Model to Support Bed Management.
2014-01-01 Landa, Paolo; Sonnessa, Michele; Tanfani, Elena; Testi, Angela
A hybrid optimization algorithm for surgeries scheduling
2016-01-01 Landa, Paolo; Aringhieri, Roberto; Soriano, Patrick; Tanfani, Elena; Testi, Angela
A hybrid simulation approach to analyse patient boarding in emergency departments
2017-01-01 Landa, Paolo; Sonnessa, Michele; Resta, Marina; Tànfani, Elena; Testi, Angela
A tabu search approach for joint operating room assignment and scheduling
2010-01-01 Aringhieri, R.; Landa, Paolo; Soriano, Patrick; Tanfani, Elena; Testi, Angela
A two level metaheuristic for the operating room scheduling and assignment problem
2015-01-01 Aringhieri, R.; Landa, Paolo; Soriano, P.; Tanfani, Elena; Testi, Angela
Advances in Modelling Hospital Medical Wards
2022-01-01 Landa, P.; Resta, M.; Tanfani, E.; Testi, A.
Assessing the Impact of Patient Characteristics on Genetic Clinical Pathways: A Regression Approach
2024-01-01 Alderighi, Stefano; Landa, Paolo; Tanfani, Elena; Testi, Angela
Assessing the impact of patient sequencing in stochastic operating room planning.
2013-01-01 Aringhieri, R.; Landa, Paolo; Soriano, P.; Tanfani, Elena; Testi, Angela
Assessing the impact of personal characteristics on genetical clinical pathways: a regression approach.
2013-01-01 Alderighi, S.; Landa, Paolo; Tanfani, Elena; Testi, Angela
Assigning surgery cases to operating rooms: A VNS approach for leveling ward beds occupancies.
2015-01-01 Aringhieri, Roberto; Landa, Paolo; Tanfani, Elena
Capacity planning and bed management for improving the flow of patients through emergency and acute inpatient departments.
2014-01-01 Gallo, D.; Landa, Paolo; Tanfani, Elena; Testi, Angela
Conceptual modelling of the flow of frail elderly through acute-care hospitals. An evidence-based management approach
2018-01-01 Bruzzi, Silvia; Landa, Paolo; Tanfani, Elena; Testi, Angela
Health Technology Assessment of meningococcal B vaccine (Trumenba®) in adolescent in Italy
2019-01-01 Boccalini, S.; Bechini, A.; Sartor, G.; Paolini, D.; Innocenti, M.; Bonanni, P.; Panatto, D.; Lai, P. L.; Zangrillo, F.; Marchini, F.; Lecini, E.; Iovine, M.; Amicizia, D.; Landa, P.
Italian infants with a new multicomponent vaccine (Bexsero®) against meningococcal B disease: A cost-effectiveness analysis.
2014-01-01 Testi, Angela; Gasparini, Roberto; Landa, Paolo; Amicizia, Daniela; Tanfani, Elena; Panatto, Donatella
Managing emergent patient flow to inpatient wards: A discrete event simulation approach
2015-01-01 Landa, Paolo; Sonnessa, Michele; Tanfani, Elena; Testi, Angela
Metaheuristic solutions for the OR planning and scheduling
2010-01-01 Landa, Paolo; Tanfani, Elena; Testi, Angela; Aringhieri, R; Soriano, Patrick
Modelling Hospital Medical Wards to Address Patient Complexity: A Case-Based Simulation-Optimization Approach
2020-01-01 Landa, P.; La Regina, M.; Tanfani, E.; Orlandini, F.; Campanini, M.; Fontanella, A.; Manfellotto, D.; Testi, A.
Multiobjective bed management considering emergency and elective patient flows
2018-01-01 Landa, P.; Sonnessa, M.; Tànfani, E.; Testi, A.