Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 10.006
Totale 10.006
Nazione #
IT - Italia 10.006
Totale 10.006
Città #
Genova 7.325
Rapallo 1.186
Genoa 776
Vado Ligure 701
Bordighera 18
Totale 10.006
Nome #
Angiotensin II specific receptors in subcommissural organ. 166
Mitochondria-rich cells in Antarctic fish gills. 130
Proopiomelanocortin (POMC) expression and immunolocalization of POMC-related peptides in the ovary of Protopterus annectens, an African lungfish 129
Atrial Natriuretic Peptide, Bradykinin and Angiotensin II-like immunoreactivity in the Harderian gland of the terrapin Pseudemys scripta: response to osmotic stress 128
Mitochondria-rich cells in gills and skin of an African lungfish, Protopterus annectens 127
Ion transport proteins and aquaporin water channels in the kidney of amphibians from different habitats 123
Effect of conditions of three dimensional clinostating on testicular cell machinery. 122
Occurence of 7-dehydrocholesterol in the uropygial gland of domestic fowls. 122
Proopiomelanocortin (POMC) mRNA and POMC-derived peptides immunolocalization in the skin of Protopterus annectens, an African lungfish 117
Angiotensin II vascular receptors in fetal and neonatal rats 117
Intrarenal localization of angiotensin II specific binding in rat fetuses 117
Ions and water transmembrane transport in nervous and testicular cultured cells in low gravity conditions 117
The site of dehydrocholesterol ultraviolet photolysis in domestic fowls 116
Renin-like activity, angiotensin I converting enzyme-like activity and osmoregulatory peptides in the dogfish rectal gland 115
Ions and water transmembrane transport in nervous and testicular cultured cells in low gravity conditions 114
Identification and distribution of nitric oxide synthase in the brain of adult Antarctic Teleosts 114
Regulatory peptides in the urinary bladder of two genera of Antarctic Teleosts 111
Osmotic stress, plasma renin activity, and spermatogenesis in Vipera aspis. 109
Angiotensin II binding sites in the rat pancreas and their modulation after sodium loading and depletion 108
Branchial and cutaneous mitochondria-rich cells in primitive bony fishes 107
GnRH immunodetection in the brain of the holocephalan fish Chimaera monstrosa L. Correlation to oocyte maturation. 106
Vasoactive peptides in the heart of Champsocephalus gunnari 106
Health-related quality of life in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma. An Italian multicentre observational study. 106
Immunoreactive Atrial Natriuretic-like Peptide in Antarctic Teleosts 103
Glucose, Insulin and Renin activity after sodium loading and depletion in Vipera aspis. 103
Microgravity-induced apoptosis in cultured glial cells 102
Angiotensin II, Bradykinin and Atrial Natriuretic Peptide in the Harderian gland of Pseudemys scripta 102
Ion transport systems in kidney and urinary bladder of two Antarctic teleosts, Chionodraco hamatus and Trematomus bernacchii 101
The cytoskeleton in cardiocytes and nervous elements in the heart of icefishes and red-blooded Antarctic fishes 101
Plasma aldosterone levels in the female tortoise Testudo hermanni Gmelin in different experimental conditions. 101
ß-glucuronidase activity in developing uropigial gland 101
Branchial morphology and ion-water transport proteins in Antarctic teleosts with different modes of life 101
Angiotensin II specific bindings on atrial myocytes in rat fetuses. 101
Low gravity and integrins in cultured glial cells 100
Renin and Angiotensin Converting Enzyme in Elasmobranchs 97
Bradykinin and Angiotensin II in the rat developing heart. 97
The Kallikrein- Kinin and the Renin-Angiotensin Systems in the kidney of an african lungfish, Protopterus annectens 97
Immunoreactive localization of vasoactive hormones (Atrial natriuretic peptide and endothelin) in the heart of Protopterus annectens, an African lungfish 97
Immunohistochemical localisation of FMRF-amide-like peptide in the brain of icefish and red blooded Antarctic Teleosts 95
Weightlessness-induced alterations in the glial cell machinery 94
Angiotensin II and ANP producing myocytes 93
Low gravity and integrins in cultured glial cells 93
Cadmium-induced alterations and cell death in the gills of a teleost fish (Scorpaena porcus). 92
Kallikrein-Kinin System in Antarctic Teleosts 91
Differences in central corneal thickness between the paired eyes and the severity of the glaucomatous damage. 91
Angiotensin II receptors durng intrauterine life in the rat 90
Vasoactive hormones in the dipnoans' heart 90
Renin-Angiotensin System in antarctic fishes. 89
Clinorotation-induced weightlessness influences the cytoskeleton of glial cells in colture 87
Nuclear alterations in cultured glial cells submitted to simulated microgravity 86
Galanina nell’encefalo di anguilla: uno studio immunocitochimico ed autoradiografico 86
Response to gravity vector changes in human NT2-N neurons 85
Somatostatin in lungfish kidney: an immunohistochemical, autoradiographical and in situ hybridisation study 83
Response to gravity vector changes in human NT2-N neurons 81
Key enzymes of the kallikrein-kinin system in antarctic teleosts 81
Endocrine and reproductive aspects of adaptation in Antarctic teleosts 81
Microgravity-induced alteration in cultured testicular cells 80
Gravity vector changes induce alterations in nervous and testicular cells in culture and testis slices 80
Osmoregulatory peptides immunoreactivity in the lower intestinal tract of the lungfish Protopterus annectens 79
Altered cytokinesis in Glial Cells submitted to simulated weightlessness 79
Distribution of vasoactive peptides in the antarctic teleost Notothenia neglecta 78
Weightlessness-induced alterations at subcellular level in cultured glial cells 77
Osmoregulation in the Antarctic teleost Histiodraco velifer 77
Cytoskeletal alteration in cultured glial cells submitted to simulated microgravity 77
Gut regulatory peptides and their distribution in Podarcis sicula Raf 75
Ultrastructural immunolocalization of ANP and ET-1 in the heart of Protopterus annectens 75
Microgravity-induced programmed cell death in astrocytes. 75
Sleeping behaviour and hormonal parametrs in microgravità 75
Enzymes and other proteins involved in ion transport in the amphibians kidney 74
Effect of tail suspension on the testicular function in mice 73
Regulatory peptides in larvae of the antarctic teleost Pleuragramma antarcticum 73
Aspetti morfologici e funzionali della cute del dipnoo Protopterus annectens 73
Gravitational vector changes affect glial cells in culture 73
Mitochondria-rich cells in kidney and urinary bladder of Antarctic fishes 73
Cadmium-induced alterations in teleosts gills and kidney 73
Microtubules disruption and repair in cultured glial cells under microgravity 73
Osmoregulation in Antarctic fish. Ion water transmembrane transport at gill level 72
The skin and the lateral line organs in the Antarctic Teleosts: presence of osmoregulatory peptides 72
Microgravity-induced programmed cell death in cultured glial cells 71
Cytoskeletal dynamic in glial cultured cells under microgravity 71
The renin-angiotensin system in a dolphin kidney (Stenella coeruleoalba) 71
Angiotensin II-target cells in the rat fetuses 71
Metabolic responses to 5-week bed rest in healthy young men 70
Short term -12° head down tilt does not cause overt gonadal effects in the human 70
A short term-12 degrees head down tilt does not mimic microgravity in terms of human gonadal function 70
Regulatory peptides in the "salt cells" of the harderian gland in Pseudemys scripta 69
The pituitary-testicular axis in microgravity: analogies with the aging male syndrome 69
Somatostatin in the ovary of an African lungfish (Protopterus annectens): an in situ hybridisation, immunohistochemical and autoradiographical study. 68
Effects of 3D random positioning machine rotation on intracellular calcium control in cultured glial cells 68
A local Renin Angiotensin System in the heart of an African lungfish, Protopterus annectens. 67
Apoptosi e proliferazione in cellule gliali sottoposte a microgravità. 67
Effects of induced aestivation in Protopterus annectens: an histomorphological study. 65
Cultured testicular cells submitted to gravity vector changes 65
Alterazioni indotte da esposizione a metalli pesanti in encefalo di Liza aurata (Mugilide bentonico) 65
Effects of head down tilt upon cortisol and sex hormones. 64
Attività reninica in Vertebrati 64
Adaptation of glial cells to simulated weightlessness 64
Alterazioni indotte da inquinamento di metalli pesanti nell’apparato renale di Mugilidi bentonici in ambienti salmastri ad alto e basso impatto antropico 61
Regulatory peptides involved in follicular maturation in the ovary of lower vertebrates 61
Somatostatin in lungfish's kidney: immunolocalisation, mRNA expression and binding sites 61
Totale 8.947
Categoria #
all - tutte 27.570
article - articoli 14.324
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 13.022
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 224
Totale 55.140

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.910 0 0 0 0 0 227 387 107 207 525 297 160
2020/2021450 18 28 59 15 33 51 16 23 80 37 51 39
2021/20221.101 15 94 120 126 22 27 29 320 37 118 17 176
2022/20231.402 132 91 9 135 221 287 2 148 237 3 125 12
2023/2024561 30 84 2 82 61 93 24 30 38 16 27 74
2024/2025718 26 159 62 94 287 90 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.010