100014 - Dipartimento di Scienze della formazione
A Digital-Analogical Intervention Program Following a Play-Based Approach for Preschoolers: The Effects on Executive Functions and ADHD Symptoms in a Pilot Study
2023-01-01 Panesi, S.; Ferlino, L.
A working memory span task for toddlers
2021-01-01 Morra, Sergio; Gandolfi, Elena; Panesi, Sabrina; Prandelli, Laura
Case Report: A playful digital-analogical rehabilitative intervention to enhance working memory capacity and executive functions in a pre-school child with autism
2023-01-01 Panesi, S.; Dotti, M.; Ferlino, L.
Children’s representation of specialized skilled movements: The cases of snowboarding and aikido
2024-01-01 Sosic, Allegra; Panesi, Sabrina; Morra, Sergio
Drawing a dog: The role of working memory and executive function
2016-01-01 Panesi, Sabrina; Morra, Sergio
Executive function, language, and the toddler’s discovery of representational drawing
2021-01-01 Panesi, Sabrina; Morra, Sergio
Executive functions and mental attentional capacity in preschoolers
2020-01-01 Panesi, Sabrina; Morra, Sergio
Fostering the Digital Competence of Schools: Piloting SELFIE in the Italian Education Context
2020-01-01 Bocconi, S.; Panesi, S.; Kampylis, P.
How students’ autonomous and controlled motivation affects satisfaction in online courses
2024-01-01 Mazzoni, Elvis; Błachnio, Agata; Przepiórka, Aneta; Panesi, Sabrina; Benvenuti, Martina
Knowledge about disability and inclusion: results from an online teachers’ training program
2023-01-01 Sacchi, Fabio; Bianquin, Nicole; Giraldo, Mabel; Panesi, Sabrina; Ferlino, Lucia
La casetta magica: un nuovo strumento per indagare l'aggiornamento (updating) della memoria di lavoro in età prescolare
2017-01-01 Panesi, Sabrina; Morra, Sergio
La formazione inclusiva dei docenti a trent’anni dalla Legge n. 104/1992. Studio esplorativo di un percorso formativo per la scuola secondaria di II grado
2022-01-01 Sacchi, Fabio; Giraldo, Mabel; Panesi, Sabrina; Bianquin, Nicole; Ferlino, Lucia
Mind the Age Gap! How Problematic Internet Use Affects Adults’ and Emerging Adults’ Well-Being and Prosocial Consumer Behavior
2023-01-01 Raggiotto, F.; Mazzoni, E.; Benassi, M.; Panesi, S.; Vacondio, M.; Filippi, S.; Turati, A.; Benvenuti, M.
On the relation between the development of working memory updating and working memory capacity in preschoolers
2022-01-01 Panesi, Sabrina; Bandettini, Alessia; Traverso, Laura; Morra, Sergio
Online learning in kindergarten during Covid-19: Teachers’ experience and perception in Italy
2020-01-01 Panesi, Sabrina; Fante, Chiara; Ferlino, Lucia
2023-01-01 Benigno, Vincenza; Panesi, Sabrina; Caruso, Giovanni; DALLA MUTTA, Edoardo; Fante, Chiara; Ferlino, Lucia
Promoting Students’ Well-Being and Inclusion in Schools Through Digital Technologies: Perceptions of Students, Teachers, and School Leaders in Italy Expressed Through SELFIE Piloting Activities
2020-01-01 Panesi, S.; Bocconi, S.; Ferlino, L.
Relationships Between the Early Development of Drawing and Language: The Role of Executive Functions and Working Memory
2018-01-01 Panesi, Sabrina; Morra, Sergio
Teens online: how perceived social support influences the use of the Internet during adolescence
2023-01-01 Benvenuti, M.; Panesi, S.; Giovagnoli, S.; Selleri, P.; Mazzoni, E.
The relation between drawing and language in preschoolers: The role of working memory and executive functions
2022-01-01 Panesi, Sabrina; Morra, Sergio