Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 12.851
Totale 12.851
Nazione #
IT - Italia 12.851
Totale 12.851
Città #
Genova 10.015
Rapallo 1.208
Genoa 911
Vado Ligure 702
Bordighera 15
Totale 12.851
Nome #
Ab-initio assessment of conventional standard state thermodynamic properties for geochemically relevant gaseous and aqueous species 159
Upper mantle beneath a young oceanic rift: peridotites from the Island of Zabargad (Red Sea) 144
Solubility and speciation of sulfur in silicate melts: the Conjugated Toop-Samis-Flood-Grjotheim (CTSFG) model 138
Thermo-chemical and thermo-physical properties of stishovite: An ab-initio all-electron investigation 134
The solution of trace amounts of Sm in forsteritic olivine: an experimental study by emf galvanic cell measurements 132
The fate of major constituents and chromium and other trace elements when acid waters from the derelict Libiola mine (Italy) are mixed with stream waters 132
Fluxes of deep CO2 in the volcanic areas of central-southern Italy 131
Ab-initio thermochemistry of some geochemically relevant molecules in the system Cr-O-H-Cl 131
Irreversible water-rock mass transfer accompanying the generation of the neutral, Mg-HCO3 and high-pH, Ca-OH spring waters of the Genova province, Italy 130
Ab-initio structure, energy and stable Fe isotope equilibrium fractionation of some geochemically relevant H–O–Fe complexes 130
Ab initio thermodynamic and thermophysical properties of sodium metasilicate, Na2SiO3, and their electron-density and electron-pair-density counterparts 129
Principles of Geochemistry 128
Ab initio-assisted assessment of the CaO-SiO2 system under pressure 128
Energy and long-range disorder in simple spinels 127
Rare earth abundances and distribution in some spinel peridotite xenoliths from Assab (Ethiopia) 127
The system MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 under pressure: A computational study of melting relations and phase diagrams 127
Atlante degli acquiferi della Liguria 125
Melting of a-Al2O3 and vitrification of the undercooled alumina liquid: Ab-initio vibrational calculations and their thermodynamic implications 124
Ab-initio thermal physics and Cr-isotopic fractionation of MgCr2O4 124
Temperature, composition and fO2 effects on intersite distribution on Mg and Fe2+ in olivines 122
Thermodynamic investigation of the CaO–Al2O3–SiO2 system at high P and T through polymer chemistry and convex-hull techniques 121
Thermo-chemical and thermo-physical properties of the high-pressure phase anhydrous B (Mg14Si5O24): An ab-initio all-electron investigation 120
Water-rock interaction in the Bisagno Valley (Genoa, Italy): application of an inverse approach to model spring water chemistry 120
Detection of Hg pollution by stream sediment geochemistry in the Bisagno Valley (Genoa, Italy). 120
Thermodynamics of phase equilibria in magma 118
Lux-Flood basicity of binary silicate melts 117
The Earth as a multiscale quantum-mechanical system 117
Geochemistry of high-pH waters from serpentinites of the Gruppo di Voltri (Genova, Italy) and reaction path modeling of CO2 sequestration in serpentinite aquifers 117
Parameterization of energy and interactions in garnets: end-member properties 116
Water-rock interaction on Zabargad Island (Red Sea), a case study: II) From local equilibrium to irreversible exchanges. 116
The wet solidus of silica: Predictions from the scaled particle theory and polarized continuum model 115
A model for the saturation of C-O-H-S fluids in silicate melts 114
Natural hexavalent chromium in groundwaters interacting with ophiolitic rocks 114
The solvation radius of silicate melts based on the solubility of noble gases and scaled particle theory 114
Oxidation state of iron in silicate glasses and melts: a thermochemical model 114
Energies and interactions in binary Pbnm orthosilicates: a Born parametrization 113
Thermodynamic constraints arising from the polymeric approach to silicate slags: The system CaO-FeO-SiO2 as an example 113
The iron-isotope fractionation dictated by the carboxylic functional: An ab-initio investigation 113
Fluid geochemistry of the Acqui Terme - Visone geothermal area (Piemonte, Italy) 112
Ab-initio structure, energy and stable Cr isotopes equilibrium fractionation of some geochemically relevant H-O-Cr-Cl complexes 111
Ab initio thermodynamic and thermophysical properties of sapphirine end-members in the join Mg4Al8Si2O20-Mg3Al10SiO20 111
Basaltic dykes from Zabargad Island, Red Sea: petrology and geochemistry. 110
Zabargad (St.John) Island: an uplifted fragment of Red Sea lithosphere 108
Evolution of the Upper Mantle under the Assab Region (Ethiopia): suggestions from petrology and geochemistry of tectonitic ultramafic xenoliths and host basaltic lavas 108
Rare Earth and 3d transition element geochemistry of peridotitic rocks:II. Ligurian peridotites and associated basalts. 108
Polymerization and disproportionation of iron and sulfur in silicate melts: insights from an optical basicity-based approach 107
A structure- energy model for C2/c pyroxenes in the system Na-Mg-Ca-Mn-Fe-Al-Cr-Ti-Si-O 106
Thermodynamic investigation of the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 system at high P and T through polymer chemistry and convex-hull techniques 105
The vibrational behavior of silica clusters at the glass transition: Ab initio calculations and thermodynamic implications 104
Thermodynamics of the (nickel + magnesium) olivine solid solution 103
Peridotites from the Island of Zabargad (St. John) Red Sea petrology and geochemistry 103
Towards the national geochemical database of italy: logical framework and network feature 101
Geochemical Baselines of Italy 101
Energetics of multiple oxides with spinel structure. 99
Petrogenesis of some Ligurian peridotites - II. Rare earth element chemistry 98
Geochemistry of water discharges from the Libiola mine, Italy 98
Atlante degli acquiferi della Liguria: Volume IV: L'acquifero alluvionale della bassa valle del fiume Magra 98
Cation ordering in Ni-Mg olivines 97
Geologia delle grandi aree urbane, sottoprogetto Citta' di Genova: stato di avanzamento delle ricerche 96
The Italian Journal of Geosciences is increasing its appeal among Geoscientists 96
Water-rock interaction on Zabargad Island, Red Sea - A case study: I. Application of the concept of local equilibrium 95
Thermophysical properties of the α−β−γ polymorphs of Mg2SiO4: A computational study 93
Trace elements as monitors of magmatic processes: 1) Limits imposed by Henry's Law problem and 2) Compositional effect of silicate liquid 92
First principles investigation of the rhombohedral iron carbonate at variables P-T conditions, with applications to the isotopic fractionation of heterogeneous equilibria with organic and inorganic solutes 92
FOREGS Geochemical Mapping Field Manual 91
A polymeric approach to the sulfide capacity of silicate melts and slags 90
An appraisal of thermodynamic properties of rare earth garnets 89
Genetic relationships between ultramafic xenoliths and enclosing alkali basalts in the Assab Region (Afar Ethiopia), based on their trace element geochemistry 89
Ab initio thermodynamics and seismic properties of MgSiO3 polymorphs at mantle transition zone conditions: the geodynamic role of non-olivine phases 89
Determination of several trace elements in some international standard rock samples by instrumental and radiochemical neutron activation analysis 89
Proceedings of the Arezzo Seminar on Fluids Geochemistry 88
Computational geometry tools to model and analyze the crystallization of molten substances 88
Energetics and Bonding in Aluminosilicate Rings with Alkali Metal and Alkaline-Earth Metal Charge-Compensating Cations 88
A Theoretical Model Chemistry Algorithm for the ab-initio computation of reactive properties of aqueous molecules of geochemical interest 87
Temperature-dependent disorder in a natural Mg-Al-Fe2+-Fe3+ spinel 86
Principi di Geochimica 86
Atlante degli Acquiferi della Liguria. Volume V: Val Graveglia e Valle del Gromolo 86
Bulk solubility and speciation of H2O in silicate melts 86
Isotopic fractionation induced by partial oxidation of Cr(III) to Cr(VI): Implications on the assessment of environmental contamination and human healt 85
The moving CMAS: thermodynamics of silicate melts at high pressure and temperature 85
Ab-initio thermal expansion, the mode-gamma analysis in the quasi-armonic approximation: some examples of application in the Mg-Si-O system 84
Nature of the deep crust and uppermost mantle under the Assab region (Ethiopia): inferences from petrology and geochemistry of mafic-ultramafic inclusions 83
Atlante degli acquiferi del Comune di Genova: Alta Val Bisagno ed Alta Val Polcevera 83
A thermodynamic approach to bio-availability and transport properties of toxic metals in soils 83
Rare earth and 3d-transition element geochemistry of peridotitic rocks: 2) Ligurian Peridotites 82
Clinopyroxene-orthopiroxene major and REE partitioning in spinel peridotite xenoliths from Assab (Ethiopia) 81
Proceedings of the Rome Seminar on Environmental Geochemistry 81
Tridimensional modeling of the alluvial deposits underneath downtown Geonoa (Italy): hydrogeochemical implications 81
Ab initio assessment of the Mie-Grüneisen equation of state: application to the high thermobaric regimes of the earth’s deep interior 81
Solution of REE in silicate solid phases; the Henry's Law problem revised in light of defect chemistry: garnet, clinopyroxene and plagioclase 80
On the significance of static interactions in garnets 79
Ernst W.G., Ottonello G., (1984) Synthesis of trace element geochemistry for five western alpine lherzolites 78
Atlante degli Acquiferi del Comune di Genova. Volume II: La falda di subalveo della bassa Val Bisagno 78
Rare earth and 3d-transition element geochemistry of peridotitic rocks: 1) Peridotites from the Western Alps 77
Titolo: Chromium isotopic fractionation during Cr(VI) reduction in groundwaters 77
The vibrational behaviour of SiO2 at the glass transition: some ab-initio vibrational calculations and their thermodynamic implications 76
Use of stream sediment chemistry to predict groundwater chemistry. The Bisagno valley (Genoa, Italy) case study. 76
Reactions governing the chemistry of waters interacting with serpentinites 75
REE distribution in grandites from the Crown Jewel gold skarn deposit: a LA-ICP-MS study 75
Computational Geometry meets Material Science 75
Totale 10.353
Categoria #
all - tutte 33.516
article - articoli 22.512
book - libri 3.566
conference - conferenze 5.043
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 443
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.952
Totale 67.032

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.865 0 0 0 0 290 359 492 179 295 626 471 153
2020/2021783 37 57 40 45 38 105 38 61 103 95 84 80
2021/20221.724 66 121 88 213 55 126 96 485 53 164 44 213
2022/20231.465 161 69 29 149 222 302 13 119 279 16 94 12
2023/2024638 36 122 11 67 31 107 24 36 36 13 43 112
2024/2025731 79 190 77 98 287 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 12.903