Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 16.234
Totale 16.234
Nazione #
IT - Italia 16.234
Totale 16.234
Città #
Genova 10.878
Rapallo 2.272
Genoa 1.684
Vado Ligure 1.364
Bordighera 36
Totale 16.234
Nome #
Conservation of the European pond turtle through population reinforcement in Liguria, Northern Italy 179
Le Discoglosse Corse - Discoglossus montalentii. 141
Safe caves and dangerous forests? Predation risk may contribute to salamander colonization of subterranean habitats. 141
Time-for-Space Substitution in N-Mixture Modeling and Population Monitoring 141
Feeding habits of the European pond terrapin Emys orbicularis in Camargue (Rhône delta, Southern France). 139
Amphibian and Reptile diversity in the Southern Udzungwa Scarp Forest Reserve, South-eastern Tanzania. 139
Generalisation within specialization: inter-individual diet variation in the only specialized salamander in the world 138
Forest management and conservation of an elusive amphibian in the Alps: Habitat selection by the Golden Alpine Salamander reveals the importance of fine woody debris 136
Area effect in south western european green frogs (Amphibia: Ranidae). 133
Natural selection and geographical variation in a known sex-linked gene of the Common Lizard in Europe. Implications for chromosomal evolution. 133
A non-lethal method to sample gastrointestinal parasites from terrestrial salamanders. 131
Estimating abundance and biomass of a Speleomantes strinatii (Caudata, Plethodontidae) population by temporary removal sampling 126
Optimizing monitoring schemes to detect trends in abundance over broad scales 126
Peptides for skin protection and healing in amphibians 126
Population dynamics and regulation in the cave salamander Speleomantes strinatii. 125
X Congresso Nazionale della Societas Herpetologica Italica - Riassunti/Abstracts 123
Potential rapid evolution of foot morphology in Italian plethodontid salamanders (Hydromantes strinatii) following the colonization of an artificial cave 122
A new dwarf forest chameleon from the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania, East Africa, (Squamata: Rhampholeon, Günther 1874). 121
The freshwater crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes (Lereboullet, 1858) in Liguria, NW Italy: implications for management at the regional level. 121
Distribution, ecology and conservation status of the ocellated lizard (Timon lepidus) in Italy. (Reptilia, Lacertidae). 120
Land abandonment may reduce disturbance and affect the breeding sites of an endangered amphibian in Northern Italy. 117
Challenges of monitoring reintroduction outcomes: Insights from the conservation breeding program of an endangered turtle in Italy 117
Taxonomy and evolution of european brown frogs. 116
Taxonomy, evolutionary biology and biogeography of South West European Polyommatus coridon (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). 114
Feeding habits of the sand lizard, Lacerta agilis, from North-Western Italian Alps 112
Density regulation in the Mediterranean leaf-toed gecko Euleptes europaea. 110
The signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana, 1852) [Crustacea: Decapoda: Astacidae], in the Brugneto Lake (Liguria, NW Italy). The beginning of the invasion of the River Po watershed? 110
A new forest toad from the Ukaguru Mountains, Tanzania (Bufonidae: Nectophrynoides). 108
The distribution and status of Hyla meridionalis in Italy. 106
A new dwarf forest toad (Amphibia: Bufonidae: Nectophrynoides) from the Ukaguru Mountains, Tanzania. 105
Ecology of a Speleomantes ambrosii population inhabiting an artificial tunnel. 105
A new species of elongate seps from Udzungwa grasslands, southern Tanzania (Reptilia, Gerrhosauridae, Tetradactylus Merrem, 1820) 105
Trophic specialisation at the individual level in a terrestrial generalist salamander 102
Branchiobdellid size – crayfish size: a possibile relationship. 101
What goes in does not come out: different non-lethal dietary methods give contradictory interpretation of prey selectivity in amphibians. 101
Reproductive cycle of Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana) (Crustacea: Decapoda) from the Brugneto Lake (Liguria, northwest Italy). 100
The tadpole of the endemic Corsican painted frog Discoglossus montalentii (Anura, Discoglossidae). 99
Ciliary reversal of Paramecium primaurelia mating type I and mating type II cells 98
Post-hatching parental care in salamanders revealed by infrared video surveillance. 96
Different season, different strategies: Feeding ecology of two syntopic forest-dwelling salamanders 95
Assessing salamanders abundance and density with N-mixture model: preliminary results on a Speleomantes strinatii (Aellen, 1958) population 94
Stability and annual return rates in amphibian populations 91
Preliminary survey on the distribution of the freshwater crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes in Liguria (NW Italy). 90
Five new species of Nectophrynoides (Amphibia: Anura: Bufonidae) from the Eastern Arc Mountains, Tanzania. 88
Diet of a restocked population of the European pond turtle Emys orbicularis in NW Italy 87
Biologia dei geotritoni europei. Genere Speleomantes. 86
Speleomantes ambrosii (Ambrosi’s Cave Salamander). Albinism. 86
Seasonality and microhabitat selection in a forest-dwelling salamander 86
Bayesian salamanders: analysing the demography of an underground population of the European plethodontid Speleomantes strinatii with state-space modelling. 86
Demographic variability in two populations of the European plethodontid salamander Speleomantes strinatii. 85
Life history of the european plethodontid salamander Speleomantes ambrosii. 85
Federico Chacón, Richard Dennis Johnson. Amphibians and Reptiles of Costa Rica. Federico Chacón, Richard Dennis Johnson. Amphibians and Reptiles of Costa Rica. Anfibios y Reptiles de Costa Rica. 85
Distribution, ecology and conservation of the parsley frog (Pelodytes punctatus) in Italy. (Reptilia, Lacertidae). 85
Autogamy differential first occurrence in Paramecium primaurelia mating types. 85
Individual diet variation in Salamandra salamandra larvae in a Mediterranean stream (Amphibia: Caudata) 83
Lagged influence of North Atlantic Oscillation on population dynamics of a Mediterranean terrestrial salamander 83
European plethodontid salamanders (genus Speleomantes): resistant to chytridiomycosis? 82
Spatial segregation in the European plethodontid salamander Speleomantes strinatii in relation to age and sex. Amphibia-Reptilia, 23(4): 505-510. 82
Summer diet of the Italian crested newt, Triturus carnifex (Laurenti, 1768), in the world's deepest flooded karstic sinkhole ("Pozzo del Merro", Latium, Central Italy) 82
Notes on the ecological genetics of Gallotia galloti from Tenerife. 82
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Italian National Parks: population prevalence and individual infection load. 82
Amphibian peptides for skin protection and healing 81
Conservation of the yellow bellied toad Bombina variegata pachypus in Liguria (NW Italy) 81
Detecting amphibian population cycles: The importanceof appropriate statistical analyses 80
Validation and cost-effectiveness of an alternative method to quantify Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infection in amphibian samples using real-tim 80
Book Review: Harold Heatwole, John W. Wilkinson (Eds). Amphibians Biology. Volume 11 - Status of conservation and decline of Amphibians. Eastern Hemisphere. Part 4 . Southern Europe and Turkey 79
Assessing the status of amphibian breeding sites in Italy: a national survey 79
Leptopelis uluguruensis. Diet. 78
Homing behaviour in Speleomantes strinatii (Amphibia Plethodontidae): a preliminary displacement experiment 78
Resistance to Chytridiomycosis in European plethodontid salamanders of the genus Speleomantes. 78
Colubro lacertino - Montpellier snake 77
Book Review: Federico Chacón, Richard Dennis Johnson. Amphibians and Reptiles of Costa Rica. Federico Chacón, Richard Dennis Johnson. Amphibians and Reptiles of Costa Rica. Anfibios y Reptiles de Costa Rica. 77
Temporal variation of adult sex ratio in a population of the terrestrial salamander Speleomantes strinatii. 76
The decline of the Apennine Yellow-bellied toad in Italy: conservation of an endangered amphibian between science and politics. 76
Anfibi e habitat acqutici nel Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre – Censimento e indirizzi per la conservazione. 76
Conservation of Emys orbicularis in Liguria (NW Italy) 76
A long-term study on a small carnivore: the case of Felis s. silvestris peninsular range in Italy 76
3. Le buone pratiche nella gestione del fiume 76
Montane grasslands of the Udzungwa Plateau, Tanzania: a study case about its herpetological importance within the Eastern Afromontane Hotspot. 76
Studies on the ecology and conservation of the Corsican endemic Discoglossus montalentii in the framework of the 92/43/CEE Habitats Directive. 75
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis detection in amphibian samples using real-time PCR with SYBR GREEN chemistry. 75
Bufo uzunguensis of southern Tanzania (Amphibia: Anura): a history of confusion. 75
Nectophrynoides viviparus - diet. 74
Miglioramento della funzionalità fluviale: risultati del Progetto Life+ P.A.R.C 74
The use of cave models to assess potential predation on cave salamanders 74
Population regulation of the leaf-toed gecko Euleptes europaea, in a NW Italian Natura 2000 site. 73
Rural landscape and conservation of Bombina variegata pachypus in Italy 73
Recent introduction of a chytrid fungus endangers Western Palearctic salamanders 73
Euleptes europaea (Gené, 1839). 72
Herpetofauna conservation in Liguria. 72
L'Atlante degli Anfibi e Rettili della Liguria e la conservazione dell'erpetofauna. 72
Atti X Congresso della Sociates Herpetologica Italica 72
Sexual dimorphism in two species of european plethodontid salamanders, genus Speleomantes (Amphibia, Plethodontidae). 72
Atlante degli Anfibi e Rettili della Liguria 71
Nota preliminare sui Rettili dell'Isola Gallinara, Parco Naturale della Regione Liguria. 71
Size structure, relative growth and sanitary condition of a crayfish population (Austropotamobius pallipes) living in rockypools. 71
Dati preliminari sulla distribuzione delle prede di Speleomantes strinaii (Aellen) nella Stazione biospelologica di S. Bartolomeo (GE). 71
Le buone pratiche per la tutela del fiume 71
Long-term dynamics of a Speleomantes strinatii population living underground. 71
Batrachochitrium salamandrivorans in Europe: the Italian contribution to the international mitigation project 71
Totale 9.496
Categoria #
all - tutte 52.609
article - articoli 34.962
book - libri 493
conference - conferenze 9.518
curatela - curatele 890
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 6.746
Totale 105.218

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.408 0 0 0 0 324 271 605 171 295 937 621 184
2020/2021754 46 39 37 31 46 133 38 43 100 74 91 76
2021/20222.551 41 185 115 275 84 187 199 622 96 222 194 331
2022/20232.706 287 157 46 291 379 479 20 265 451 104 184 43
2023/20241.264 60 170 34 127 118 298 60 51 58 53 89 146
2024/20251.399 70 283 169 201 676 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 16.477