Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 6.506
Totale 6.506
Nazione #
IT - Italia 6.506
Totale 6.506
Città #
Genova 5.284
Rapallo 573
Genoa 463
Vado Ligure 172
Bordighera 14
Totale 6.506
Nome #
A search for neutral Higgs particles in Z0 decays 174
A precise measurement of the Z resonance parameters through its hadronic decays 160
Measurement of the average lifetime ofB hadrons 147
Charged particle multiplicity distributions in restricted rapidity intervals inZ 0 hadronic decays 144
A measurement of sin2θw from the charge asymmetry of hadronic events at the Z0 peak 141
Attenuation length measurements in narrow drift channels 138
The forward ring imaging Cherenkov detector of DELPHI 137
A study of intermittency in hadronic Z0 decays 134
Search for heavy charged scalars in Z0 decays 133
Study of orientation of three-jet events in Z0 hadronic decays using the DELPHI detector 132
Search for the t and b' quarks in hadronic decays of the Z0 boson 131
Charged particle multiplicity distributions inZ 0 hadronic decays 131
Search for scalar quarks in Z0 decays 128
A photo-detector for UHECR observation from space 127
A comparison of jet production rates on the Z0 resonance to perturbative QCD 127
The photo-detector for the EUSO experiment 126
Determination of Z0 resonance parameters and couplings from its hadronic and leptonic decays 126
Searches for heavy neutrinos from Z decays 124
Study of final state photons in hadronicZ 0 decay and limits on new phenomena 123
A measurement of the b forward-backward asymmetry using the semileptonic decay into muons 122
Study of the leptonic decays of the Z0 boson 122
Energy-energy correlations in hadronic final states from Z0 decays 121
Search for pair production of neutral Higgs bosons in Z0 decays 119
The reaction e+e− → γγ(γ) at Z0 energies 119
Multiplicity dependence of mean transverse momentum in e+e− annihilations at LEP energies 119
Measurement of the mass and width of the Z0-particle from multihadronic final states produced in e+e− annihilations 119
Current achievements of the DELPHI ring imaging Cherenkov detector 117
Focal surface for EUSO telescope 116
Search for light neutral Higgs particles produced in Z0-decays 116
A search for sleptons and gauginos in Z0 decays 116
Thin gap gas chambers for the DELPHI endcaps 114
Search for scalar leptoquarks from Z0 decays 113
Some results from the thin gap gas chamber detector prototype for the DELPHI end-caps 112
A study of the reaction e+e− → μ+μ− around the Z0 pole 110
Experimental study of the triple-gluon vertex 109
The focal surface of EUSO telescope. 109
A measurement of the lifetime of the tau lepton 107
Measurement of the Z0 branching fraction to b quark pairs using the boosted sphericity product 104
Very high voltage power supply system for the ring imaging Cherenkov detectors of the LHCb experiment 103
Design of a Base-Board for arrays of closely packed Multi-Anode Photo-Multipliers 102
Search for low mass Higgs bosons produced inZ 0 decays 101
Study of a possible light collector system for multi-anode photomultiplier tubes 98
Determination of alpha(s) in second order QCD from hadronicZ decays 98
The Delphi Detector at LEP 95
Study of hadronic decays of the Z0 boson 95
LHCb RICH 2 MechanicsNota Interna Pubblica LHCb Collaboration CERN LHCb2000-081 RICH 89
Production of strange particles in the hadronic decays of the Z0 89
Performance of the ring imaging Cherenkov detector of DELPHI 88
A proposal for a supporting structure for the Hybrid Pixel Detectors of RICH2 Nota Interna Pubblica LHCb Collaboration CERN LHCb2000-082 RICH 88
The housing of the EUSO photo-detector sensors. 84
Proposal For An Upgrade Around The FCA 83
The focal surface of the EUSO telescope 82
Airwatch: the fast detector 73
AIRWATCH: the fast detector 71
Development of elementary cell module for the EUSO focal surface detector 62
LHCb RICH 2 Engineering Design Review Report Nota Interna Pubblica LHCb Collaboration CERN LHCb EDR 2002-009 1March 2002 58
Totale 6.507
Categoria #
all - tutte 18.570
article - articoli 15.795
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 1.661
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 1.114
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 37.140

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.479 0 0 0 0 131 217 257 134 201 282 187 70
2020/2021599 46 73 61 72 19 39 39 64 42 57 43 44
2021/2022780 19 102 39 79 51 54 95 146 19 52 62 62
2022/2023685 75 54 10 61 93 144 0 37 110 7 88 6
2023/2024356 11 51 11 46 32 111 15 17 9 1 20 32
2024/2025181 26 78 15 42 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.507