Sfoglia per Autore
A family of experiments to quantify the benefits of adopting WebDriverManager and Selenium-Jupiter
2025-01-01 Leotta, M.; Garcia, B.; Ricca, F.
Gamify: Gamification in Software Development, Verification,and Validation
2024-01-01 Coppola, Riccardo; Ardito, Luca; Leotta, Maurizio
Evaluating the Effectiveness of STEM Images Captioning
2024-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Ribaudo, Marina
Use of ChatGPT as an Assistant in the End-to-End Test Script Generation for Android Apps
2024-01-01 García, Boni; Leotta, Maurizio; Ricca, Filippo; Whitehead, Jim
Exploring Browser Automation: A Comparative Study of Selenium, Cypress, Puppeteer, and Playwright
2024-01-01 García, B.; del Alamo, J. M.; Leotta, M.; Ricca, F.
Enlisting Students in Gamifying Software Testing Education: Results and Key Insights
2024-01-01 Cerioli, M.; Leotta, M.; Ribaudo, M.
A Gaming Quest to Improve Web Locators Robustness
2024-01-01 Clerissi, D.; Leotta, M.; Ricca, F.
AI-Generated Test Scripts for Web E2E Testing with ChatGPT and Copilot: A Preliminary Study
2024-01-01 Leotta, M.; Yousaf, H. Z.; Ricca, F.; Garcia, B.
Mutta: a novel tool for E2E web mutation testing
2024-01-01 Leotta, M.; Paparella, D.; Ricca, F.
Similarity-based Web Element Localization for Robust Test Automation
2023-01-01 Nass, Michel; Alégroth, Emil; Feldt, Robert; Leotta, Maurizio; Ricca, Filippo
Introduction to the special issue on test automation: Trends, benefits, and costs
2023-01-01 Bertolino, A.; De Angelis, G.; Leotta, M.; Ricca, F.
Evaluating the effectiveness of automatic image captioning for web accessibility
2023-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Mori, Fabrizio; Ribaudo, Marina
Enhancing Web Applications Observability through Instrumented Automated Browsers
2023-01-01 Garcia, B.; Ricca, F.; del Alamo, J. M.; Leotta, M.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Gamification in Software Development, Verification, and Validation
2023-01-01 Coppola, Riccardo; Ardito, Luca; Fraser, Gordon; Leotta, Maurizio
Challenges of End-to-End Testing with Selenium WebDriver and How to Face Them: A Survey
2023-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; García, Boni; Ricca, Filippo; Whitehead, Jim
An empirical study to compare three web test automation approaches: NLP-based, programmable, and capture&replay
2023-01-01 Leotta, M.; Ricca, F.; Marchetto, A.; Olianas, D.
Fight silent horror unit test methods by consulting a TestWizard
2023-01-01 Cerioli, M.; Lagorio, G.; Leotta, M.; Ricca, F.
COVID-19 Impacts on the IT Job Market: A Massive Job Ads Analysis
2023-01-01 Cerioli, M.; Leotta, M.; Ricca, F.
Welcome from the Chairs
2022-01-01 Coppola, R.; Ardito, L.; Munoz, M.; Leotta, M.
Gamify 2022: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Gamification of Software Development, Verification, and Validation
2022-01-01 Coppola, Riccardo; Ardito, Luca; Muñoz, Mirna; Leotta, Maurizio
MATTER: A tool for generating end-to-end IoT test scripts
2022-01-01 Olianas, D.; Leotta, M.; Ricca, F.
Is NLP-based Test Automation Cheaper Than Programmable and Capture &Replay?
2022-01-01 Leotta, M.; Ricca, F.; Stoppa, S.; Marchetto, A.
An Empirical Study to Quantify the SetUp and Maintenance Benefits of Adopting WebDriverManager
2022-01-01 Leotta, M.; Garcia, B.; Ricca, F.
Reproducibility in Activity Recognition Based on Wearable Devices: a Focus on Used Datasets
2022-01-01 Fasciglione, A.; Leotta, M.; Verri, A.
Assessor: a PO-Based WebDriver Test Suites Generator from Selenium IDE Recordings
2022-01-01 Leotta, M.; Molinari, A.; Ricca, F.
Comparing the Effectiveness of Assertions with Differential Testing in the Context of Web Testing
2022-01-01 Leotta, M.; Paparella, D.; Ricca, F.
SleepReplacer: a novel tool-based approach for replacing thread sleeps in selenium WebDriver test code
2022-01-01 Olianas, Dario; Leotta, Maurizio; Ricca, Filippo
A large experimentation to analyze the effects of implementation bugs in machine learning algorithms
2022-01-01 Leotta, M.; Olianas, D.; Ricca, F.
Improving Node-RED Flows Comprehension with a Set of Development Guidelines
2021-01-01 Clerissi, D.; Leotta, M.; Ricca, F.
STILE: A Tool for Parallel Execution of E2E Web Test Scripts
2021-01-01 Olianas, D.; Leotta, M.; Ricca, F.; Biagiola, M.; Tonella, P.
Towards automated generation of PO-based WebDriver test suites from Selenium IDE recordings
2021-01-01 Ricca, F.; Leotta, M.
A service-oriented method for domain and business process modelling
2021-01-01 Reggio, G.; Leotta, M.; Ricca, F.
Sidereal: Statistical adaptive generation of robust locators for web testing
2021-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Ricca, Filippo; Tonella, Paolo
Reducing Flakiness in End-to-End Test Suites: An Experience Report
2021-01-01 Olianas, D.; Leotta, M.; Ricca, F.; Villa, L.
Daily living activity recognition using wearable devices: A features-rich dataset and a novel approach
2021-01-01 Leotta, M.; Fasciglione, A.; Verri, A.
COVID-19 hits the job market: An 88 million job ads analysis
2021-01-01 Cerioli, M.; Leotta, M.; Ricca, F.
Improving Activity Recognition while Reducing Misclassification of Unknown Activities
2021-01-01 Fasciglione, A.; Leotta, M.; Verri, A.
Ensemble-Based Software Engineering for Modern Computing Platforms
2020-01-01 Brogi, Antonio; Bucchiarone, Antonio; Capilla, Rafael; Jamshidi, Pooyan; Leotta, Maurizio; Ádám Mann, Zoltán; Mongiello, Marina; Nocera, Francesco
Two experiments for evaluating the impact of Hamcrest and AssertJ on assertion development
2020-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Cerioli, Maura; Olianas, Dario; Ricca, Filippo
A set of empirically validated development guidelines for improving Node-RED flows comprehension
2020-01-01 Clerissi, D.; Leotta, M.; Ricca, F.
An approach and a prototype tool for generating executable iot system test cases
2020-01-01 Olianas, D.; Leotta, M.; Ricca, F.
What 5 million job advertisements tell us about testing: A preliminary empirical investigation
2020-01-01 Cerioli, M.; Leotta, M.; Ricca, F.
On the Deployment of IoT Systems: An Industrial Survey
2020-01-01 Alkhabbas, F.; Spalazzese, R.; Cerioli, M.; Leotta, M.; Reggio, G.
A Family of Experiments to Assess the Impact of Page Object Pattern in Web Test Suite Development
2020-01-01 Leotta, M.; Biagiola, M.; Ricca, F.; Ceccato, M.; Tonella, P.
What are IoT systems for real? An experts’ survey on software engineering aspects
2020-01-01 Reggio, G.; Leotta, M.; Cerioli, M.; Spalazzese, R.; Alkhabbas, F.
An Approach for Selecting the Most Suitable Business Process Modelling Method/Notation
2019-01-01 Reggio, Gianna; Leotta, Maurizio
Three Open Problems in the Context of E2E Web Testing and a Vision: NEONATE
2019-01-01 Ricca, Filippo; Leotta, Maurizio; Stocco, Andrea
How do implementation bugs affect the results of machine learning algorithms?
2019-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Ricca, Filippo; Olianas, Dario; Noceti, Nicoletta
Orchestrated crowdsourced testing of a mobile web application: A case study
2019-01-01 Leotta, M.; Petito, V.; Gelati, L.; Delzanno, G.; Guerrini, G.; Mascardi, V.
A Method-Wise Approach for Selecting the Most Suitable Business Process Modelling Notation
2019-01-01 Reggio, G.; Leotta, M.
Comparing Testing and Runtime Verification of IoT Systems: A Preliminary Evaluation based on a Case Study
2019-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Clerissi, Diego; Franceschini, Luca; Olianas, Dario; Ancona, Davide; Ricca, Filippo; Ribaudo, Marina
Message from the chairs
2019-01-01 Brogi, A.; Bucchiarone, A.; Capilla, R.; Jamshidi, P.; Leotta, M.; Mann, Z.; Mongiello, M.; Nocera, F.
Improving the Performance of Road Network Analysis: The Morandi Bridge Case Study
2019-01-01 Petito, Vincenzo; Leotta, Maurizio; Ribaudo, Marina
Hamcrest vs AssertJ: An Empirical Assessment of Tester Productivity
2019-01-01 Leotta, M.; Cerioli, M.; Olianas, D.; Ricca, F.
Fluent vs Basic Assertions in Java: An Empirical Study
2018-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Cerioli, Maura; Olianas, Dario; Ricca, Filippo
Towards an approach for developing and testing Node-RED IoT systems
2018-01-01 Clerissi, Diego; Leotta, Maurizio; Reggio, Gianna; Ricca, Filippo
Physical Web for Smart Campus Management
2018-01-01 Delzanno, Giorgio; Guerrini, Giovanna; Leotta, Maurizio; Ribaudo, Marina
A Method for Developing Model to Text Transformations
2018-01-01 Tiso, Alessandro; Reggio, Gianna; Leotta, Maurizio; Ricca, Filippo
Towards an Acceptance Testing Approach for Internet of Things Systems
2018-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Ricca, Filippo; Clerissi, Diego; Ancona, Davide; Delzanno, Giorgio; Ribaudo, Marina; Franceschini, Luca
Towards Runtime Monitoring of Node.js and Its Application to the Internet of Things
2018-01-01 Ancona, Davide; Franceschini, Luca; Delzanno, Giorgio; Leotta, Maurizio; Ribaudo, Marina; Ricca, Filippo
Towards a runtime verification approach for internet of things systems
2018-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Ancona, Davide; Franceschini, Luca; Olianas, Dario; Ribaudo, Marina; Ricca, Filippo
DUSM: A Method for Requirements Specification and Refinement Based on Disciplined Use Cases and Screen Mockups
2018-01-01 Reggio, Gianna; Leotta, Maurizio; Ricca, Filippo; Clerissi, Diego
On the impact of state-based model-driven development on maintainability: a family of experiments using UniMod
2018-01-01 Ricca, Filippo; Torchiano, Marco; Leotta, Maurizio; Tiso, Alessandro; Guerrini, Giovanna; Reggio, Gianna
An Acceptance Testing Approach for Internet of Things Systems
2018-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Clerissi, Diego; Olianas, Dario; Ricca, Filippo; Ancona, Davide; Delzanno, Giorgio; Franceschini, Luca; Ribaudo, Marina
PESTO: Automated Migration of DOM-based Web Tests towards the Visual Approach
2018-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Stocco, Andrea; Ricca, Filippo; Tonella, Paolo
Service-oriented domain and business process modelling
2017-01-01 Reggio, Gianna; Leotta, Maurizio; Clerissi, Diego; Ricca, Filippo
Towards a Holistic Method for Business Process Analytics
2017-01-01 Reggio, Gianna; Leotta, Maurizio; Ricca, Filippo; Astesiano, Egidio
APOGEN: automatic page object generator for web testing
2017-01-01 Stocco, Andrea; Leotta, Maurizio; Ricca, Filippo; Tonella, Paolo
Do UML object diagrams affect design comprehensibility? Results from a family of four controlled experiments
2017-01-01 Torchiano, Marco; Scanniello, Giuseppe; Ricca, Filippo; Reggio, Gianna; Leotta, Maurizio
Test driven development of web applications: A lightweight approach
2017-01-01 Clerissi, Diego; Leotta, Maurizio; Reggio, Gianna; Ricca, Filippo
Towards the Generation of End-to-End Web Test Scripts from Requirements Specifications
2017-01-01 Clerissi, D.; Leotta, M.; Reggio, G.; Ricca, F.
An abstract machine for asynchronous programs with closures and priority queues
2017-01-01 Ancona, Davide; Delzanno, Giorgio; Franceschini, Luca; Leotta, Maurizio; Prampolini, Enrico; Ribaudo, Marina; Ricca, Filippo
The NARVALO project: Real time collision avoidance system in a GIS environment based on precise GNSS positioning
2017-01-01 Marzocchi, R.; Leotta, M.; Federici, B.; Delzanno, G.
Clustering-aided page object generation for web testing
2016-01-01 Stocco, Andrea; Leotta, Maurizio; Ricca, Filippo; Tonella, Paolo
Automatic page object generation with APOGEN
2016-01-01 Stocco, Andrea; Leotta, Maurizio; Ricca, Filippo; Tonella, Paolo
Approaches and Tools for Automated End-to-End Web Testing
2016-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Clerissi, Diego; Ricca, Filippo; Tonella, Paolo
A lightweight semi-automated acceptance test-driven development approach for web applications
2016-01-01 Clerissi, Diego; Leotta, Maurizio; Reggio, Gianna; Ricca, Filippo
Robula+: An algorithm for generating robust XPath locators for web testing
2016-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Stocco, Andrea; Ricca, Filippo; Tonella, Paolo
Using multi-locators to increase the robustness of web test cases
2015-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Stocco, Andrea; Ricca, Filippo; Tonella, Paolo
My mood, a multimedia and multilingual ontology driven MAS: Design and first experiments in the sentiment analysis domain
2015-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Beux, Silvio; Mascardi, Viviana; Briola, Daniela
Meta-heuristic Generation of Robust XPath Locators for Web Testing
2015-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Stocco, Andrea; Ricca, Filippo; Tonella, Paolo
A method for requirements capture and specification based on disciplined use cases and screen mockups
2015-01-01 Reggio, Gianna; Leotta, Maurizio; Ricca, Filippo
Automated generation of visual web tests from DOM-based web tests
2015-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Stocco, Andrea; Ricca, Filippo; Tonella, Paolo
Why Creating Web Page Objects Manually if It Can Be Done Automatically?
2015-01-01 Stocco, Andrea; Leotta, Maurizio; Ricca, Filippo; Tonella, Paolo
What are the used UML diagram constructs? A document and tool analysis study covering activity and use case diagrams
2015-01-01 Reggio, Gianna; Leotta, Maurizio; Ricca, Filippo; Clerissi, Diego
What Are the Used Activity Diagram Constructs? A Survey
2014-01-01 Reggio, Gianna; Leotta, Maurizio; Ricca, Filippo; Diego, Clerissi
Visual vs. DOM-Based Web Locators: An Empirical Study
2014-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Diego, Clerissi; Ricca, Filippo; Paolo, Tonella
Who Knows/Uses What of the UML: A Personal Opinion Survey
2014-01-01 Reggio, Gianna; Leotta, Maurizio; Ricca, Filippo
Improving the Quality and the Comprehension of Requirements: Disciplined Use Cases and Mockups
2014-01-01 Reggio, Gianna; Ricca, Filippo; Leotta, Maurizio
Reducing Web Test Cases Aging by Means of Robust XPath Locators
2014-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Stocco, Andrea; Ricca, Filippo; Paolo, Tonella
PESTO: A Tool for Migrating DOM-Based to Visual Web Tests
2014-01-01 Stocco, Andrea; Leotta, Maurizio; Ricca, Filippo; Paolo, Tonella
Unit Testing of Model to Text Transformations
2014-01-01 Alessandro, Tiso; Reggio, Gianna; Leotta, Maurizio
A Pilot Experiment to Quantify the Effect of Documentation Accuracy on Maintenance Tasks
2013-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Ricca, Filippo; Giuliano, Antoniol; Vahid, Garousi; Junji, Zhi; Guenther, Ruhe
Web Testware Evolution
2013-01-01 Ricca, Filippo; Leotta, Maurizio; Stocco, Andrea; Diego, Clerissi; Paolo, Tonella
Improving Test Suites Maintainability with the Page Object Pattern: An Industrial Case Study
2013-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Diego, Clerissi; Ricca, Filippo; Cristiano, Spadaro
Empirical Evaluation of UML-based Model-driven Techniques: Poster Paper
2013-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Ricca, Filippo; Marco, Torchiano; Reggio, Gianna
Comparing the Maintainability of Selenium WebDriver Test Suites Employing Different Locators: A Case Study
2013-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Diego, Clerissi; Ricca, Filippo; Cristiano, Spadaro
Repairing Selenium Test Cases: An Industrial Case Study about Web Page Element Localization
2013-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Diego, Clerissi; Ricca, Filippo; Cristiano, Spadaro
Capture-Replay vs. Programmable Web Testing: An Empirical Assessment during Test Case Evolution
2013-01-01 Leotta, Maurizio; Diego, Clerissi; Ricca, Filippo; Paolo, Tonella
A Method for Testing Model to Text Transformations
2013-01-01 Alessandro, Tiso; Reggio, Gianna; Leotta, Maurizio
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